Powerful Blog Post Topics

10 Powerful Blog Post Topics Guaranteed to Grow Your Blog in 2021

Have you ever wondered why some blogs are so viral? Maybe you have always wanted your blog to grow fast and become more popular. The kind of topics you post on your blog and your writing style will determine whether you can successfully build your reader base. In addition to learning about best SEO practices to rank higher on search engines, you need to start posting topics that will catch readers’ attention. Let’s check out some powerful blog post topics that can grow your website rapidly in 2019.

Ten powerful posts you should consider

We have done our research to know the kinds of post people love to read and we have come up with the top ten kinds of topics. Carefully go through each of them and discover why you should write about them on your blog.

  1. Topics that explain procedures of doing something

Yes, it’s exactly what you’re thinking of; “How to” topics! Everyone is willing to know how to do one thing or another. With the advent of search engines, people simply type what they want to know and they read it on whatever blog that explains the procedures. As a blogger, you should ensure your blog is full of so many topics of these kinds.

Pick any aspect of life and provide a step by step guide on it. It may be on how to fix a certain problem, how to write an essay as wonderful as that of NinjaEssays, how to dress for certain occasions and so many other things. Just make sure you have relevant how to’s!

  1. Product reviews

Nowadays, buyers seek full details of the products they want to buy before they purchase them. Of course, the most accessible place they can look is on the internet. Nobody wants to buy an inferior product or a product that will end up not meeting up with their specifications and so they opt for product reviews. If you can provide well-researched reviews, one way or another, readers will find themselves reading through your webpages.

  1. Topics on general counselling in life

Teenagers and young adults sometimes don’t know what to do at certain times and therefore look for articles with topics that can serve as general guide. It may be in the area of choosing a career, or overcoming emotional issues that arise from their relationship with friends.

  1. Breaking news

Yes! Breaking news. Even if you have not originally created your blog for breaking news, posting some events as they occur will make you have more guests visiting your blog.

  1. Case study

This fact seems hidden to many bloggers that internet users oftentimes search for details of persons or groups that they admire. Wisely select a number of well-known individuals and make detailed analysis of them on your blog. For instance, you can decide to write something about professional bloggers on your website.

  1. Blog series

Interesting blog series can flood your website, with so many readers who don’t want to miss out on any of the details. The series may be an interesting real or imaginary story or any other thing. But ensure what you are writing on is something very interesting and not complicated, so that readers will be able to match all the points as they read.

  1. Topics on entertainment and fun

So many Internet users want topics that will entertain them. Create such topics on your blog. You can post funny facts and give chance for readers to comment. You can even create a form of challenge to your readers and let them use the comment box to interact. Many Internet users find this very interesting and more people will start visiting your blog.

  1. Topics that analyze trending societal issues

Once you realize that there is a trending issue in society that many people don’t have deep understanding of, then take the chance and write on it. Do your research on such a topic and write every single thing the readers should know about it. At that time when the issue is still trending, many Internet users will want to get more information on the topic and you will be providing them exactly what they want.

  1. Topics on health and fitness

A lot of people want to know some facts about their health. You will be doing a great job for a large number of people when you start detailed research on how to maintain good health and then post it on your blog. Provide helpful tips on the type of food to consume to improve health and also the type to stay away from. Give fitness advice too. Let people know the kind of exercise that will suit them, based on their body weight. This kind of post is capable of attracting many readers.

  1. Productivity tips and hacks

The traffic on your blog will greatly increase when you start to post topics on productivity tips. Many people wish to be as productive as possible. Teach people by mentioning tips they need to know about how to be productive in subjects you are familiar with. Everyone is always looking for effective ways of doing things using a less stressful approach.


Don’t join the number of inexperienced bloggers who post things that no one will find interesting. Start feeding your readers with what they want and grow your blog. Start posting interesting topics today and observe your blog as it grows. If you need help finding the best topics to write about in a low competitive niche, there are keyword research tools you can use to find them.


Kurt Walker has been working as senior editor at essaywritingland.com, Nerdywriters and EssayMama for 3 years. He is a respected technical writer and journalist. He won the SuperiorPapers award as the head of science department at customessay papers. He’s also a content writer who enjoys writing on topics such as technologies, productivity, inspiration and education.

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Editorial Staff at 85ideas is a team of WordPress experts led by Brian Harris. Here to share amazing tuts, guides and collections.

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