Sports Blogging - Hints, Tricks and Tips

Sports Blogging – Hints, Tricks and Tips

Content is king. The era of reading newspapers and magazines may be all but at an end, but the population’s thirst for knowledge remains strong. The way we receive that information has changed with social media, blogs, and websites taking charge.

This change has led to millions of new bloggers and aspiring journalists arriving on the scene. The web is now packed with opinions, first-hand accounts, and debates. You can read eye-witness reports on social media, reviews of the latest sports betting apps, or follow fitness tutorials using your home computer or mobile app.

Person browsing on phoneMoreover, how sports fans engage with their favorite teams and players is evolving, and the fans in the streets have never had more access to clubs than they do now. Try searching online for an upcoming football match, and you’ll be swamped by blogs in the results. Some are better than others, and there’s always room for improvement.

Naturally, you may wish to throw your hat into the ring and get involved. But what separates a good blog from a bad one? We have gained the help and experience of a professional sports writer who offers the hints, tricks, and tips to writing a blog people will want to read. If you are interested in starting your own sports blog, check out this article first.

Do What You Love

Writing on the floorAs the old saying goes, do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life. That’s certainly true when it comes to blogging. Because you’ll likely be writing for free during the first few years of your content writing adventure, it’s crucial you love the subject. However, we’re not talking about a passing interest in a sports team.

You must live and breathe the topic. Sure, you have an opinion and believe it’s worth reading but so do millions of other bloggers worldwide. What makes your voice different? Passion is the key.

So, if you are writing about an NFL match, you must have all the information, more than is available to the average fan researching the game on their smartphone. You should know form, results, team news, injuries, and even the latest gossip. It’s then about bundling all this information together and publishing it to your blog.

Football teamFurthermore, the Internet ensures information is always at your fingertips. Still, most sports fans don’t have the time to spend hours researching, visiting one site for form and another for injury news. Think of yourself as doing the hard work, so they don’t have to. If you can bring it all to one page, you’ll save your reader time and effort. As a result, readers will take note and return every time you publish a new post.

In addition, if you love the topic, it will shine through in your writing, and that enthusiasm will impact the reader. It’ll also make your research and writing much easier to do. So, if you are a lover of tennis, there’s no point blogging about gardening. It’ll take twice as long, and the finished product won’t be half as good. Choose your area of interest is stick to it. With time and experience, you can branch out to cover other subjects.

Make the Most Out of Social Media

Social media iconsFor most bloggers, social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are the best place to advertise their articles. Even better, this type of promotion is free. When broadcasting your blog on social media, you’ll begin by showcasing it to friends and family, who can then read and share.

Quickly you’ll notice other like-minded readers start to follow your articles. The best feeling as a blogger or a writer is when you are asked on social media by a stranger when your next post will be available. That interaction shows your efforts are being recognized and appreciated.

What is more, when you are confident enough in your product, you can then take it to the broader public. Post a link to your blog on Facebook groups with a connection to the topic. For example, if you have written about an upcoming horse race, you’ll want to share around horse racing pages, betting, and sports. This kind of advertising is fast, effective, and free, and it works exceptionally well.

So, give it a try today. Choose your topic, sign up for a free blogging account and get writing.

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at 85ideas is a team of WordPress experts led by Brian Harris. Here to share amazing tuts, guides and collections.

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