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The Role of Email Verification in Reducing Bounce Rates

One of the most important factors to focus on when conducting an email marketing campaign is keeping engagement rates balanced and beneficial. In your case, one of the most important factors influencing your deliverability and success is the email bounce rate – or the percentage of messages that did not reach the recipients’ inbox. Bounce rate is detrimental for your sender reputation and overall performance when high. In this article, we’ll explore what email bounce rate is, why reducing it is important, and how email verification can help.

desygner tabletWhat is Email Bounce Rate?

Email bounce rate as defined is the percentage of the total number of sent out e-mail messages that failed to reach the in-box of the recipient. When you get a bounce back it is because the server has refused to deliver the email to the recipient. The higher the bounce rate the more the overall reputation of the domain will be affected.

Bounce rate is found out by comparing the number of bounces to the total number of emails sent. High bounce rates are dangerous to a sender reputation, and their emails have lower deliverability rates and may be delivered to the spam folder. There are two main types of bounces: as temporary delivery failure also known as soft bounces, and permanent delivery failure also known as hard bounces.

Different Types of Bounce Rates

It is important to note that there are various types of bounce rates.

  • Hard Bounce: This situation arises when the email becomes a permanently non-deliverable entity because of one or many reasons such as incorrect or fake email address. Hard bounces also mean that the recipients’ email addresses entered in the mailing list are invalid.
  • Soft Bounce: Soft bounce is triggered by reasons that the email could not be delivered because of reasons such as a full mailbox or a temporary problem with the mail server. They are not as dangerous as hard bounces but they require active management.

Knowing the difference between hard and soft bounces is important to marketers because both affect the results of email marketing.

Why is it Important to Reduce Your Email Bounce Rate?

A high email bounce rate can lead to numerous problems for your email marketing strategy. First and foremost, it affects your sender reputation. Email providers like Gmail and Yahoo track the bounce rates associated with your email address and domain. If your bounce rate is high, your emails may be flagged as spam or blocked altogether.

Additionally, a high bounce rate can:

  • Waste resources by sending to invalid addresses.
  • Lead to blacklisting by email service providers.
  • Skew your campaign analytics by providing inaccurate data on open and click-through rates.

By reducing bounce rates, you’ll improve your deliverability, increase engagement, and maintain a clean sender reputation.

Everything You Need to Know About Email SignaturesHow Email Verification Helps Reduce Bounce Rates

Email verification is an efficient method which removes the mailed (invalid or non-existent) addresses from your list. There is a way to filter out such mails and this is by using an email verification tool like Snov.io’s Email Verifier. Here’s how it helps reduce bounce rates:

  • Eliminating Invalid Addresses: Soft bounces are detected and filtered out by verification tools pointing at non-existing and invalid email addresses.
  • Detecting Disposable Emails: One gets bounces when they use the temporary or think-once-e-mail addresses. Email verification eliminates these types of addresses thus making the email list much more effective.
  • Avoiding Spam Traps: Certain email addresses are considered as spams and could be very damaging to the sender and his or her reputation. Some of these might be spam and are usually detected by verification tools for removal from your list.
  • Improving Deliverability: When you conduct email address validation you will ensure that most of your mails will not bounce or end up in a spam folder.

Best Practices for Implementing Email Verification

While email verification is essential, implementing it correctly ensures maximum effectiveness. Here are best practices to follow:

Choosing the Right Verification Tools

There are many email verification tools on the market, but selecting the right one is crucial for your success. Tools like Snov.io’s Email Verifier offer features that help reduce bounce rates by verifying email addresses in real-time and batch processing your email lists. Look for a tool that provides accuracy, affordability, and integration with your email marketing platform.

Regularly Updating Email Lists

Email addresses need constant updating and this means that once in a while you should clean your email list. Just make sure that you conduct your verification checks when planning on sending out a huge number of emails, to help in preventing high bounce rates. It’s better for staying in control of your list and getting higher engagement, because of always updating.

Integrating Verification into Sign-up Forms

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. When included in sign-up forms requesting emails, it is possible to eliminate obviously incorrect addresses before they get through to the system. Real-time verification allows only correct and active addresses coming to your list and, thus, minimizes the risks of hard bounce in future.

Monitoring and Analyzing Bounce Rates Post-Verification

Even after implementing email verification, it’s important to continue monitoring your email bounce rates. Track your results to ensure that your efforts are effective, and use the insights to adjust your strategy as needed. This ongoing analysis will help you fine-tune your email marketing campaigns for optimal performance.


Bounce rates are critical more particularly when conducting email marketing as these determine the success of your campaign. A high bounce rate is also unhealthy for your sender reputation and misinterprets your analytics, thus, it has to be minimized through email verification. Keeping this tips list in mind, together with using Snov.io’s Email Verifier, is the best way to implement all the best practices and check the effectiveness of the given approach. In doing so, the worst thing that a marketer is going to do is have a higher bounce rate and possibly have a less effective email marketing campaign overall.

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