10 Essential Elements You Must Have On Your Photography Website - 85ideas.com
photography website

10 Essential Elements You Must Have On Your Photography Website

You want to get more traffic to your photography site and promote your work and brand in the best possible way? Stop worrying about it because we’ll reveal the secret to you.

Just continue reading this article and find out which ten elements are crucial for making your photography website successful:

  1. An Excellent Design

Sounds obvious, doesn’t it? Most people think that they should only upload more in order to get visitors. In fact, what may bring you more visitors to your photography site is a good design.

Now you may be wondering how to achieve that. Your first option is to hire a professional. As a second option, if you don’t want to spend more money, visit some sites for professional design templates such as Colorlib, ThemeForest, etc.

  1. Feeling and Emotions

You don’t want your site to be purely commercial. Instead, you need to offer your users a more vivid experience. The easiest way to do so is to include feelings and emotions. Why is this important? You will tell a story to your visitors and make it more personal. Anyone can connect to the content and the experience you want to convey if you express your inner self, tastes, and interests.

  1. Branding Strategy

There’s no better way to further the progress of your website than creating your own site logo. It doesn’t have to be anything complicated. Even your site’s name written in an interesting font can do the work.

Yet, be careful with your branding strategy! Think about the critical areas where your brand can be easily noticed such as watermarks, bottom banners, headers, etc. Or, team up with other sites and ask them to publish your post as a guest post.

  1. Built-in Blog

Another crucial element that you should consider is a built-in blog. Having a blog will help you develop a connection with your users and make round-the-clock interaction easier.

But, that’s not all. You can include a live-chat application, too. Yet, bear in mind that you should either have others working on your site or spend a lot of time answering your users’ questions. If you choose the latter, get a mobile version of the live-chat app which will enable you to stay connected all day long.

  1. Social Networking Sites

social media

One of the key elements for getting more benefits from social networking sites is timing. If you know the perfect time to publish your new content, you can get more traffic to your site. Just make several accounts at some of these best platforms for photography sites:

  • For designers and photographers: Instagram, Behance, Deviant Art, and Pinterest.
  • For common users: Facebook and Twitter.
  • For business contacts: LinkedIn.


  1. Product Info & Pricing Guide

The conditions under which you are selling your work have to be clearly explained. A great way to do so is to use keywords (picture location or the camera/lens brand used) for labeling your work. Or, if you sell actions or presets, include before/after results and list the contents of the package you sell. Moreover, including the prices will save quite a lot of time and avoid misunderstandings. Clarity is essential for building a long-lasting business.

  1. Newsletter

Adding a “sign-up” area to the interface of your website will not only improve traffic, but also enable you to create a newsletter. This newsletter should be provided on a weekly basis so that your visitors get constant updates which include some crucial elements like new posts and products or critiques and reviews by other relevant sites.

  1. Mobile Optimization


Why create a site if it isn’t optimized for mobile devices? There’s no point in doing that since most people use mobile phones for the Internet. Also, make sure that your site has a clear interface including proper font and image sizes. Plus, try to avoid javascript when possible since only high-end devices can handle it.

  1. An Area for Attracting Visitors

You can create an area where users can get free content like contests or top news. But you don’t have to stick to these only. Instead, you can think of other strategies or anything that links to your site in order to attract more new users. You can find out how such elements draw users attention by looking for some analytics sites.

  1. Updates

Regular updates are crucial for encouraging visitors to come back to your site. Moreover, try limiting your posts to 2-8 a week. The best thing is to constantly add new content, regardless of the delay of publication of some content. You don’t want to publish all of your content in one day and then end up short on material. Hence, keep publishing wisely!


Thank you for reading this article. We hope you found it helpful. Today we presented the top ten photography elements you must have on your photography website. If you have any additional questions regarding this article, or you need any help from us, please feel free to contact us below in comments, and we will do our best to help you as soon as possible.  

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at 85ideas is a team of WordPress experts led by Brian Harris. Here to share amazing tuts, guides and collections.

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