How to create an online portfolio with WordPress -

How to create an online portfolio with WordPress

The world is full of opportunities and probably you are also looking for an opportunity to grab a job or a gig or even trying to convert a sale. Whatever may be your purpose, two things can get your job done — resume and portfolio.

Portfolio creation is now new and many online freelancers and entrepreneurs are using it for a while now. They can be related to any field — developer, designer, writer, artists and the list goes on.

What’s surprising about the portfolio field is the fact that they work if done right. They are a creative approach to the seamlessly boring approach — resumes.

And, that’s why today, we will go through a small guide of “How to create an online portfolio with WordPress”.

How to create an online portfolio with WordPress

Hey, wait..before I start the guide, I want to discuss on Why having an online portfolio improves your chances to grab that gig you are hunting for ages.

  • Online portfolios are digital goods, which can be shown to anyone on the go. No need to download a copy or print it and keep in the bag. A simple internet connectivity can tell hundreds of things about you to your client.
  • Creative Jobs require portfolio that showcases the skills. For example, Designers and writers are hard to hire by the employers if they have no real work to show. In simple terms, how can you hire a swordsman without seeing what he/she is capable of.
  • Linking is super-easy. And, it doesn’t take time. Time invested once can yield hundreds of opportunities for you in a long run.
  • Work is like art. The more it is open, the better.
  • Portfolio tends to send signals to employers on what your rate could be. This will keep bad clients away and you will be happy. In general, better playing clients are much better.

Alright, enough of the knowledge. Let’s start with the plugins and themes that will enable you to kick-start your portfolio.

Portfolio WordPress Themes (Select One)

It is always a better idea to start with theme selection. This way you can customize your needs and hence simplify the requirement of plugins needed within your portfolio.

You can hundreds of themes from the market. There are some free themes and also paid themes. Paid themes look professional and have better theme support compared to free themes, and that’s why I am going to list paid themes only.

1. Divi

New Divi Theme

Divi is a multi-purpose WordPress theme that offers almost everything you need to create a working portfolio. It offers Divi builder, which can help you set up the theme with no coding at all.

If you are a developer or designer, you might code a bit, but that’s not always necessary as the same work can be done with the help of the builder available with the theme. For non-technical personals such as Writer and business people, the theme really works well.

The theme has a portfolio layout, and you can check it out here.

If you are not satisfied with the theme, you can always build a layout from scratch or choose from 18 different layouts present within the theme.

Full Details and Download | Demo

2. Modern Portfolio Pro

Modern Portfolio Pro Theme

Modern Portfolio Pro is one of the advanced WordPress themes for portfolio creation. The good news is that it created using the Genesis framework and offers clean, minimal code. The themes created using Genesis framework are great and offers great SEO optimization out of the box.

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3. Akin

Akin WordPress Theme

Akin is a one page responsive WordPress theme that is simple, powerful and offers Ajax portfolio and parallax header. With a pleasant typography, great layout, you can build an attractive portfolio in no time.

For non-tech people, the theme is also great as it comes with a page builder. All of this is for only $43, and you can easily make anyone impressed with your portfolio.

4. Onion

OnionWP WordPress portfolio template

Onion is yet another simple WordPress portfolio theme that work in all screen size. It can be used by the freelancers, studios and agencies.

With the template, you can easily focus on your work and let the theme do the talking. It can be created in 3 different ways, and visual composer comes to the rescue. If you want to create a blog page, you can also create it and develop all the necessary content for it.

Portfolio WordPress Plugins

Themes are great for adding design to your portfolio. But what about the functionality. For the functionality aspect, we have the plugins, and we know how awesome WordPress can be in the plugins department.

1. Portfolio by BestWebSoft

Portfolio by BestWebSoft

The plugin is meant for the right work you are looking for. For the beginners, it offers a dedicated option to create a portfolio page, where you can showcase your work to the audience. The plugin also offers tons of customization option.

Full Details and Download

2. WordPress Portfolio Plugin (WP Portfolio)

WordPress Portfolio Plugin

With the help of this plugin, you can easily create a gallery to showcase your work. All of these works in tandem with account, which helps you to generate the portfolio. Great plugin for beginners.

3. Waving Portfolio

Waving Portfolio

Waving Portfolio is quite a surprise for me. It is simple to install and can get your job done in no time. It creates a simple grid, where you can quickly add your work and be done with it.

Wrap Up

Creating an online portfolio has its own benefits. It is always wise to create a perfect portfolio that is praised by anyone who visits it. Your portfolio is your work, and you shouldn’t let it go unchecked.

The above themes and plugins will get you started in no time. All you need to do is install a theme and plugin of your choice and upload appropriate content and samples to your portfolio.

Always make changes to a non-live site and once it is ready, make the world bow to it.

Do, you think I missed something? Maybe a plugin or theme that is super awesome. Don’t forget to comment below and let us know.

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at 85ideas is a team of WordPress experts led by Brian Harris. Here to share amazing tuts, guides and collections.

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