Mobile Applications Types To Consider For WordPress Websites
mobile friendly website

Mobile Applications Types To Consider For WordPress Websites

Billions of people almost never part with their smartphones and tablets nowadays. And they don’t just carry gadgets with them as it has been earlier with ordinary mobile phones, but use them actively: they send texts, take pictures, browse the news, look for information on WordPress websites, buy goods from eCommrcerce stores, book hotel rooms, call a taxi, manage their finances, etc.

The era of mobile devices is growing rapidly changing entire markets for goods and services every day. Most global services already have own mobile applications making it possible for smartphone owners to conveniently use the capabilities of the service through their favorite device. It’s also a reason why Google emphasizes mobile usability when evaluating a WordPress site ranking on their search engine. Using mobile app development services provides a powerful tool for developing business-to-business and business-to-consumer communication.

mobile applications types

Where Apps for Smartphones are Used

  • For restaurants, cafes, and delivery

With the help of such applications, the buyer can easily take a look at the range of products, promotions and place an order from any location. Some of these programs are aimed at simplifying the work of waiters and coordinating orders.

Such applications help the administration keep records and control orders. The client can see the menu, select dishes and place an order using apps for ordering food at home.

  • Online store apps

Internet commerce increases the number of potential customers and takes the business to a completely different level. For clients, a mobile application is a convenient service for buying goods and paying for orders.

  • Apps for hotel business

The functionality of such applications provides payment tools, the ability to book rooms and the option of obtaining the necessary information about the hotel. The hotel administration, in turn, can monitor the number of guests and rooms.

  • For financial management

Using banking mobile applications enables the client to use all the features of the service: track accounts and credit card balances, get quick consultation and messages about promotions and offers, transfer money not leaving the house.

  • Health and sports apps

The usefulness of such programs for users is obvious, but it is no less obvious to developers since with the help of a fitness application a company can increase sales and attract more customers. There is an increased interest in healthy lifestyle and sports nowadays, so such apps will definitely be in demand.

  • For taxi and freight

Such an app combines a database of orders and makes it possible to establish an interaction between all the process participants: logisticians, drivers, and customers. Besides, it will be useful to business leaders in developing route plans and calculating fuel consumption. Often, such programs are made for taxi booking software or ordering online tickets.

  • Educational apps

Such applications provide educational services, for example, educational programs, lessons or simulators to obtain the necessary knowledge or skills. Installing such an app, the client receives an ad network with the filterability. It should be noted that the profit received from the educational application is proportional to the number of users. If the quality of the resource does not satisfy the needs of the user, then the business idea may not pay off. Therefore, the creator is primarily interested in developing a high-quality and effective application.

If you own a website in one of these niches, it is beneficial to have your own mobile application to keep up with the competition. Having more intuitive features with a dedicated app will increase conversion / click rate of your visitors and will likely make them more willing to become a repeat user. Check out these mobile apps that will help you manage your WordPress site for an example of how having your own app can improve user experience. You can check out a VueJS development company or two to help you with this.

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at 85ideas is a team of WordPress experts led by Brian Harris. Here to share amazing tuts, guides and collections.

  • kyass
    Posted at 02:34h, 03 December Reply


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    Posted at 22:55h, 15 December Reply

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