7 Best FeedBurner Alternatives for your WordPress Website - 85ideas.com

7 Best FeedBurner Alternatives for your WordPress Website

Most of the websites accepted Feedburner during its inception time. And, why not? It offered tons of services for bloggers, such as RSS services, email to RSS, traffic analysis and monetizing feed via Google Adsense.

With its popularity rising, the search engine giants, Google decided to acquire Feedburner on June 3, 2007, and that was the end of the Feedburner. After its acquisition, development of the service was slowed down, and the final signs of its running out of fuel were on May 26, 2011. On this day, they decided to deprecate the API’s.

The final nail in the coffin came on October 2nd, 2012 when the service is completely shut down. The service remained open for the current users with no support for new users. And, why I am telling you all this? Technology rise and fall all the time, but the good news is that other players in the market cease the opportunity and gives us alternatives.

Today, we will seek the best FeedBurner alternative for your WordPress blog.

Best FeedBurner alternative for your WordPress Blog

1. FeedPress

Feed analytics by FeedPress

FeedPress, a service initiated in 2012 can be your savior. With a simple sign up and a small subscription fee, you can easily manage your feed and all the associated functions. One account will suffice for all your website and their support seems to work 24/7.

The FeedPress offers advanced tracking for the podcasters and bloggers, providing them with vital stats to study their audience.

With a simple setup, you can start working with the burner as soon as possible. It also comes with flexible file storage, which can save you money and time. For example, if your need is only 1 GB, there is no need to pay for extra bandwidth. If in future the need arises, you can always change to more upgrades.

Furthermore, you can activate the email newsletter plugin easily with one click. This service is free for 1000 subscribers. If you are looking to export data, the service comes with easy data export to where you want!

Feedburner do come with tons of features and with a small subscription plugin, you can get all the features. They also offer 14 days trial for the customers.

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2. Regular RSS Feed

You don’t have to worry about the all the RSS feed and email subscription. If think the same way, the default RSS feed can give you everything you need.

The feed can be used by 3rd party service and will not affect your website in no way. But, the default RSS feed has some limitation. One of those limitations are no email subscriber tracking, and that can harm you in a long run. Growth can be limited.

The Regular RSS Feed choice is best suited for small bloggers that write for fun and not monetization.

Address:// www.yourblog.com/feed.

3. FeedCat


FeedCat is one the free feed service out there. Don’t get fooled by the free tag with the service. It comes with some useful features including user-friendly content representation, the number of readers tracking and also keeps track of people who subscribe to your website feed.

For analysis purpose, the feed can offers historical data, which can be used by the bloggers to understand the growth of the blog and its subscribers.


4. FeedBlitz

RSS Feed Subscriber Services FeedBlitz

Another commercial service that market itself with the FeedBurner alternative. The good thing about FeedBlitz, compared to FeedPress is the unlimited usage once the subscription is purchased. There is no need to worry about storage and other features.

It also comes with 30-days trial so that you can test the service before moving to it.

Pricing || Homepage

5. RapidFeeds

Create RSS Feed Publish Podcast

RapidFeeds is one of the best ways to serve your feeds to subscribers and other 3rd party services. With over ten years of existence, RapidFeeds is one of the older feed service out there.

Just like FeedPress, it comes with PodCast support and also offers other statistical tools for better understanding of the audience. Furthermore, you can also improve the scheduling and auto-tweeting to your tweet account.

There are many occasions, where you need to protect website feed. This can also be done with password-protection and enabling authorized users to get access to it. This option is good for security networks or in-network feed distribution. There is no cost associated with the service.


6. Feedity

Create RSS Feeds with Feedity

Feedity is one of those amazing feed services that offers instant RSS feed creation and usage. The service is commercial in nature with different plans for diversified usage.

If you are interested in Feedity, you can check their trial period for evaluation and then finally make a call to use their services.

Currently, there are three packages out there. With the starter package, you get 20 feeds and 6 hours update interval. It offers basic features such as feed analytics, title editing, and the add-free environment. There are more features in plus and business plan.

The starter plan is best suited for small blogs who publish a single post each day. The plus and business plan offer short update interval. News websites can use the business plans to their advantage. Even with different plans, the feed subscription is not costly, with the most expensive plan $39/month(business).

Plans || Homepage

7. MailChimp

Send Better Email MailChimp

MailChimp is one of the most popular mail subscription and FeedBurner alternative. With the help of the mail chimp service, you can easily configure those email and also keep track on the RSS feeds. With the help of MailChimp, many businesses has taken full control over their email subscription and feed burning.

The service also supports podcasts and API access for more complicated usage.


Wrap Up

With FeedBurner shut down years ago, it is always a good idea to never use Feedburner again. There are many good services out there for feed handling and other services related to it.

MailChimp is one of the popular alternatives, and there are also free alternatives that you can use.

Do, you think I did justice to the article? If yes, comment and share the article as much as you can. Also, do not forget to comment below any of the FeedBurner services that you are using and is not listed in this article. I will update the article accordingly.

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at 85ideas is a team of WordPress experts led by Brian Harris. Here to share amazing tuts, guides and collections.

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