Best WordPress Plagiarism Checker Plugins of 2021 -

Best WordPress Plagiarism Checker Plugins of 2021

The technologies and platforms for creating websites have changed in an unimaginable manner over the period of time. Today, you would not find a lot of web development / designing being done using static HTML. WordPress is a recent technological platform for crafting interactive web pages. Using this technology, a wide range of plugins including the ones for plagiarism checking can be added.

  • Before focusing on making any piece of content diverse, you need to pay attention to the originality factor. You can expect the most negative feedback if copied portions are included. To avoid this situation, the best practice is adding a top rated plugin to your WordPress website.

For the year 2020, the following plugins should be taken into consideration.

Prepostseo plagiarism checker


This is a high quality plugin that allows you to check plagiarism from your WordPress website in the easiest way. When you talk about students, it becomes hard for them to select a good tool and then install it on the device storage.


  • This plagiarism checker is used by countless user types so if you no restrictions are applied if you are related to a particular form of writing. The most prominent writer categories include article writers, bloggers and academic writers. Apart from them, students use this plugin to rectify copied content errors in their submissions.


  • Knowing about the presence of plagiarism and identifying the exact parts are two very different things. A lot of benefit is not attained if you know that the content is copied but the infected portions are not known. Very few tools provide you with a downloadable report after completing the content scan. This helps as you can go through the details and figure out where things went wrong. This tool provides a downloadable plagiarism report in the PDF format.


  • A professional article writer is responsible for carrying out research work and preparing posts on a certain topic discipline. For instance, a marketing article writer will have to build his knowledge base by reading through different sources. Checking plagiarism is a high priority activity which every writer is responsible for completing. Using this plugin is a good option to eliminate all doubts about uniqueness of content.


  • This plugin comes for free and that is also a plus point for users. When you talk about the best WordPress plugins, they rarely come for free. Most people have the “How much would it cost?” question in their mind. Although this plugin is exceptional in every way, it is free to use. You do not have to think about spending a large monetary sum to buy it.



Check Word Press Plugin


While choosing plagiarism checking plugins for WordPress, a user needs to survey about the tool he finds suitable. This plugin is suitable for professional writers, social media content creators as well as university students. All these users produce content for different purposes but have to execute a successful plagiarism check.


  • This plugin is free to use so a big worry is eliminated. Adding it to an existing WordPress website is not complicated in any manner. Understanding the significance of producing original content is the key. It is related to the reputation which a writer would earn. If he delivers copied content, the reader count would go down to zero within no time. Providing original content with untapped facts would help him in constructing a strong relationship with the readers.


  • It is always an option to proofread content and determine whether there are any plagiarism presences or not. However, there are potential efficiency problems with it. You may not see a copied sentence due to a word count in thousands. In other words, there are risks attached with this alternative. This is a commendable online checking tool that identifies even short plagiarized phrases so writers do not have to perform any final checks.


  • Why would a writer be willing to use hours and learn a plagiarism checking application? His goal would be only to remove content with inefficient paraphrasing so learning complicated soft wares would not help in any way. This tool does not require any technical skills at all. You do not need to be a software expert to use it.


Plagiarism checker plugin by


Free quality plagiarism checkers is the main priority for writers. It is not possible to extract loads of money and spend it to purchase a plugin. Similarly, opting for a free one is not simple as well. Reliability is the main problem with various free plagiarism checking soft wares.


  • This plugin comes with 100% efficiency. Once it has been successfully integrated with your WordPress website, be rest assured that every single copied sentence will be highlighted. In this way, writers do not have read a compiled article or academic paper several times. They can trust on the tool to accomplish the task successfully.


Summing it Up

Certain formalities have to be fulfilled when you are working on a form of content. It is not professional to deliver it without performing a complete plagiarism check. When you talk about students, a lot of them are not aware that copying content is not permitted. They adopt this illegitimate act and use it without any second thoughts.

The use of a good plagiarism checking plugin works quite well for writers. These days, a lot of websites are designed on WordPress so using a plagiarism checking plugin is simple. It only has to be integrated with the related web page.

Do all plugins work equally well? The answer to this question is no. The standard varies from one plugin to the other. Some of them are good for nothing and users witness this when they are done with the integration / installation. It is important to collect information about the plugin and then decide about using or not using it. Writers should not forget that the quality of content is heavily dependent on the standard of plugin used.

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at 85ideas is a team of WordPress experts led by Brian Harris. Here to share amazing tuts, guides and collections.

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