Most Efficient Ways To Convert Images Into Text -
Most Efficient Ways To Convert Images Into Text

Most Efficient Ways To Convert Images Into Text

In today’s digital age, several websites offer the functionality to convert images into text. These websites use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology. Which allows the conversion of text from images into editable and searchable text. This can be particularly useful for various purposes. Such as extracting text from scanned documents, and converting printed text into digital format. Or, extracting text from images for further editing or analysis. In this article, we will explore some of the best websites, other than that can convert images into text.

Image psychology1)Google Drive: Google Drive is a popular cloud-based storage service that also offers OCR capabilities. Users can upload an image containing text to their Google Drive account. Then use the built-in OCR feature to convert the image into editable text. The converted text can then be downloaded in various file formats such as Google Docs, Microsoft Word, or plain text. Google Drive’s OCR feature is free to use and can provide accurate results for simple text recognition tasks.

2)SmallSEOTools: SmallSEOTools is a website that offers a wide range of free online tools for various digital tasks. Including an image to text converter. Users can upload an image file to the website and then use the OCR tool to extract text from the image. The extracted text can be copied, edited, and downloaded in plain text format. SmallSEOTools also offers additional features. Such as language selection, and image pre-processing options. Also, the ability to recognize handwritten text.

3)OnlineOCR: OnlineOCR is a dedicated website specializing in OCR services. It supports various image file formats including JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and BMP, and offers the ability to convert images into text in over 46 languages. Users can upload an image to the website and then select the language and output format for the converted text. OnlineOCR provides accurate results and also offers additional features. Such as image pre-processing options, batch processing, and integration with cloud storage services.

4)Textractor: Textractor is another popular website that offers image to text conversion services. It provides a simple and user-friendly interface where users can upload an image and then extract text from it. Textractor supports various image file formats. It offers options to select the language and output format for the converted text. The extracted text can be downloaded in plain text format or copied to the clipboard for further use.

5)EasyScreenOCR: EasyScreenOCR is a website that specializes in extracting text from screenshots. Users can upload a screenshot containing text, and the website’s OCR technology will extract the text from the image. EasyScreenOCR supports multiple languages. It offers the ability to select the output format for the converted text. It also provides additional features. Such as image pre-processing options and the ability to capture screenshots directly from the website.

6)Microsoft OneNote: Microsoft OneNote is a popular note-taking application offering OCR capabilities. Users can create a new note in OneNote and then insert an image containing text. OneNote will automatically extract the text from the image and convert it into editable text. The extracted text can then be copied, edited, and shared across other Microsoft Office applications. OneNote’s OCR feature is free to use for Microsoft Office subscribers and offers reliable results.

Woman looking at images on ipadIn conclusion, these websites provide convenient ways to convert images into text using OCR technology. They offer a range of features. Such as language selection, image pre-processing options, and output format customization. Making them versatile tools for various image-to-text conversion tasks. Whether you need to extract text from scanned documents and convert printed text into digital format. Or, extract text from images for further editing or analysis, these websites can be valuable resources to simplify your workflow and improve productivity.


I used to write about games but now work on web development topics at WebFactory Ltd. I've studied e-commerce and internet advertising, and I'm skilled in WordPress and social media. I like design, marketing, and economics. Even though I've changed my job focus, I still play games for fun.

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