Learn How To Earn with TemplateMonster's New Digital Marketplace - 85ideas.com

Learn How To Earn with TemplateMonster’s New Digital Marketplace

Here at 85ideas, we were excited to hear that TemplateMonster has launched a digital marketplace. So we thought we’d dig in and find out how to become a vendor and start earning money from it today…

Brace yourself. One of the world’s leading manufacturers of ready-made templates is seeking talented creative vendors. The secret? TemplateMonster welcomes all talented vendors worldwide to sell their products on a digital marketplace. Intrigued? Let’s learn more right now.

TemplateMonster Marketplace

It’s no wonder that TemplateMonster takes a leading place in the world of modern web design. Their secret? With over 60,000 templates in their inventory, everyone is able to create a piece of web-art without having to sweat for it. See for yourself. Pre-built designs for blogs, portfolios, business sites, entertainment portals or fashion magazines are truly in great demand among both beginners and experienced developers. Keep in mind, the array of TemplateMonster products and service businesses is only limited by your imagination. So far, TemplateMonster invites everyone to join its official digital marketplace. Welcome to the club.

TemplateMonster’s marketplace is a place where even a beginner with a skill gap can earn his/her first $1,000. That’s fact. But if you’re an experienced developer, there’s a strong chance to become $10,000 richer. Thus, if you’d like to seize the opportunity to earn as much as 70% commission from each sale, then TemplateMonster’s marketplace is right up your alley.

Take a look at the numerous CMS platforms available on TemplateMonster’s digital marketplace.

What’s the Real Benefit?

Not sure what’s the real benefit for you? Let’s discuss. No matter whether you’re a beginner or a skilled developer, selling website templates on the digital marketplace is just the thing for both. It’s a place where the most gifted professionals work as a collective in favor of your business. Thus, you can get a wider customer reach, gaining wide world recognition.

Are you a vendor? Let’s check the following benefits:

  • Use 1 account for selling exclusive and non-exclusive products (FYI – you can only sell either exclusive or non-exclusive products on ThemeForest)
  • Digital Products will be reviewed within 12 hours, more complex solutions – 1-3 days (FYI – it takes 2 weeks’ time to review a product on ThemeForest)
  • No Limitations in terms of product submissions at once (FYI – a vendor can only upload 1 product to 1 category at a time on ThemeForest)
  • “Quick Start” a vendor gets up to 70% commission from each sale
  • The Ticket System offers to vendors to get quick responses from the Review Team
  • Opportunity to assign more than 1 category to digital products via the vendor profile
  • Net15 Payments

Steps to Start Making Money on the Digital Marketplace

Simply put, there are 4 key steps a vendor should take to start making money on TemplateMonster’s marketplace. They are:

  1. Fill in and Sign Author Application. Here, a vendor needs to specify what types of digital products will be created and whether it will be sold on the marketplace.
  2. Get in Touch with the Personal Manager. At this stage, a personal manager will take care of the organizational issues to clarify all the details. In addition, he/she will clarify how a vendor prefers to cash the earnings.
  3. Wait until the Product Page is designed for you. Once it’s ready, you’ll be notified.
  4. Start Earning Money. Receive earnings from the themes sold on a monthly basis.

How to Earn Money on the Digital Marketplace

Here comes the tastiest part of this article. Money! Depending on the quality of templates you sell, you get a chance to earn more income. Besides, every client on the digital marketplace can express his attitude about the purchased product with the help of a comment left on the product page. It looks like, the more positive feedbacks a vendor receives, the greater chances to get more profit.

Regardless which path a vendor takes, he/she is the only one to decide whether any discounts will be applied to his/her digital products. It’s not a secret that TemplateMonster is well-known for its seasonal promo campaigns where anyone can buy premium website templates at good discounts. As a vendor, you are the only one who is responsible for your profits. So, what’s your choice?

Once you decide to go for it, gain more clients to generate more earnings.

Exclusive vs Non-Exclusive

To get back to the point, both exclusive and non-exclusive products can be accepted by the digital marketplace. Again, it’s up to the vendor to decide what type of product he/she wishes to be sold. Keep in mind, for exclusive products a vendor can earn up to 70% when for a non-exclusive product, the maximum commission will be 40%. Once a vendor submits a product, a team of experts such as marketers, designers, and coders will review and approve it. As a result, depending on the quality, they will suggest a price range for this digital product. As a vendor, you can adjust the final cost of your product within a 15% price range.

Personal Advisor

The best part about this digital marketplace that you are not alone. No worries though, there is always your personal advisor who’s ready to help you. It costs you next to nothing to contact your personal advisor.

As you can see, everything is as simple as that. You want to be successful at something? Then stop holding yourself back. There’s no time like the present to change your mindset and become a vendor. It’s time to expand your circle. Sign up in 4 simple steps and become a sensation in the modern world of the web design industry.

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at 85ideas is a team of WordPress experts led by Brian Harris. Here to share amazing tuts, guides and collections.

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