to copy & open site)
New JoomUnited Coupon Codes:
Following are the JoomUnited coupons you can use and apply to a given product.
Use promo code: 85IDEAS-DEAL for 15% off all WordPress and Joomla extension.
Table of Contents
How to Use JoomUnited Coupons?
Well, the procedure is very straight forward. You need to copy the promo codes we’ve shared above, then head over to the official website, choose a product of your choice, and click on the ‘Order Now’ button.
At the checkout screen, you’ll find an option labeled ‘Discount code’. Paste the code in the text box ahead of the same, and click the Apply button. This will initiate the offer, and the result will affect the total Amount Payable.
As a company, before launching a product, it needs to work on building a better customer care support system. Because, once you start offering products without a better support system, the whole idea might fail, as no system is perfect.
Well, this is the idea of starting a better business, and trust me, JoomUnited.com has followed the better path. They not only has class-leading products, but also has dedicated support system for both, new customers and, of course, the existing ones. It even has a Pre-sales forum, answering almost any related question one can come up with.
Now, since we’re on the same page, talking how good JoomUnited is let’s have a detailed look on whether to buy their products or not. I hope you didn’t mind my decision of starting the review straight with the customer support thing. Personally, I think it’s a vital part of every business, whether it’s online or offline, and JoomUnited’s efforts are, indeed, helpful.
JoomUnited Review
Those who are aware of the name ‘Joomla’ can get an idea that this web-based company is present to offer different digital products for Joomla platform only. But, that’s not true, as they are also offering products for WordPress.
Let me first share the products they have for both platforms. I’m starting with the Joomla ones, first.
- Social Backlinks
- SEO Glossary
- My Maps location
- Droppics
- Dropfiles
- Droptables
- DropEditor
- Layer slideshow
- Item rating
- Link Map
- Tag Transform
- Team chart
- Sponsorship Reward
- Token Interceptor
Now, coming to the WordPress section, you’ll find following products.
- WP Media Folder
- WP Latest posts
- WP Table Manager
- WP File Download
- WP Meta SEO
- WP Team Display
Since, moving ahead with each tool will be out of scope here, so I’ll share my thoughts on the ones I liked.
Starting with their website first, you can easily choose the tool you’re looking to buy, and before buying, you can know the whole bits and bytes of a particular tool through its Demo Video, or by reading the feature list. You can even read the FAQs, or post your set of question. Each and every detail is shared in a well-documented manner, with images, content, videos, and every other way possible. Trust me, if you find this level of details, then the product is worth buying, or at least worth noticing.
The FAQs section covers every possible question related to a particular product and a detailed answer to the same. This way, you can not only know what a product can do, but can also know, how exactly it does the thing. Impressive, right?
Now, taking their support strength forward, you can even trigger any request (let’s say, including a question) on their Twitter or Facebook or Google+ profile as well.
Now, let me share some details of few of their products. I’m starting with my favourite, WP Media Folder.
In the recently released versions, WordPress has offered many required features into their Gallery part, which were missing earlier. But, still, you need to check out what this tool can do.
Once installed, you’ll be able to take complete control on how media files are arranged, or saved, or how they look. You can create Folders, put particular files in them, or keep them outside, move them around, and a lot more. All these things aren’t possible with the Media default tool. Everything works with Drag and Drop!
WP File Download is another tool, which ones installed, can help you share some files with end-readers. You can re-arrange and put some files into a section, which can be added in a Post or Page. Once published, end-users will be able to View or Download those files, straight from the Public view.
The Social Backlinks tool for Joomla platform brings a bunch of features to the table that can increase social backlinks for your blog. You need to allow the tool to access your different social profiles, like Facebook, Twitter, etc. Once done, all your new posts or even existing ones will be shared on the connected platforms, by automation. Since, you don’t need to share anything manually, thus, it saves time and efforts.
If this didn’t give you a better glimpse of these tools, then you should check out the official website, and start watching the Demo Videos attached with particular tools.
Coming next, you can even connect to their developers, through News section, where they regularly update on-going efforts with readers.
Now, coming at the one bad thing I found, JoomUnited doesn’t offer any refunds, once you’ve purchased a product. They clarify the reason behind this situation, but still for a normal user, this feature is really helpful. So, if you’re interested in any of their product, I’ll recommend you to check details thoroughly before making the purchase.
Now, if you need help on any related matter, kindly share your concern in the discussion section below, and we’ll be happy to help. I hope this JoomUnited review guide helped you, and my efforts to share some coupons to help you save extra bucks were likeable. Let me know what you think in the discussion section. Stay tuned for fresh updates!
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Syfonix Hosting
Posted at 00:55h, 29 NovemberGreat discount! Any idea how long it lasts? Wasn’t sure if this was a Black Friday / Cyber Monday special offer.
Brian H
Posted at 22:05h, 30 NovemberHey Syfonix,
This discount should be valid throughout 2016. If things change I am sure the guys at Joomunited will inform us. Which of their products are you interested in?