23 Sep Top 7 Free HTML5 & CSS3 Social Sharing Buttons Templates 2021
Social media is the perfect tool for everything you can think of, from getting in touch with friends and family to running a successful business. And, if someone wants to share your work or idea, you’d better make it easy and include social sharing buttons.
For that reason, we’ve come up with a list of the top 7 free social sharing buttons templates. Just go through them and find the one that best suits your needs in terms of style, ability, and general feel.
The first one is a social icon set animated with Sass with a gray background and white icon text. What’s more, each icon comes with special tooltips explaining what the icon is about. Plus, you can also customize these tooltip notifications. This set is based on Font Awesome which means that the social icons are available for Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Email, YouTube, and many more.
Next up we have a minimal gray color icon set for Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Behance, and many other social networks. What’s special about these icons is that they look more newt and compact thanks to the added border that’s easy to remove. In other words, you can integrate these icons into designs quite easily. Alternatively, remove the border at the footer or header navigation menu, and use them according to your liking.
Here’s a very modern set of social icons which provides maximum icons-user interactivity thanks to the hover background effects. Furthermore, this set comes with numerous specific icons, such as Twitter, Skype, Facebook, Dribble, and Google+. And, when you hover over the icon, the background fills up with the dominant color of the social network. Nice feature, isn’t it?
Looking for a massive CSS social sharing buttons and icons set to transform the way you present social media information online? – If yes, here’s a truly unique set that features numerous icons, from simple Evernote buttons to Available on the App Store or Read More at Smashing Magazine and other more technical buttons. All of these will enrich your content with character and boost social shares.
Here’s another great social sharing buttons template. This social buttons set by David Pottrell comes with in-built icon fonts which pretty much means that it is one of the best executions of such concept. His vision was to offer social icon solutions using the right color schemes. But, that’s not all! Next to these elements, you can find a brand icon font which adds authenticity to each of the icons.
Simplicity never goes out of style, which also counts for this simple, yet modern and somewhat complex CSS social buttons set. It is perfect for those who want to promote their profiles. So, rather than using direct social sharing buttons, you can use this template. Moreover, this set includes social buttons for Flickr, Forrst, Dribbble, Twitter, Facebook, and Designmoo.
Last, but not less important than others, here’s the ultimate combo – Bootstrap and Font Awesome – two of the most popular frameworks. This pack of social icons probably features the greatest and widest collection including Apple, Skype, Android, GitHub, Stack Overflow, and the complete Font Awesome library that has hundreds of icons. Therefore, this is the number one set to get if you want to stand out from the rest and make a statement.
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Thank you very much for reading this article. Today we presented a collection of some of the best Free HTML5 & CSS3 Social Sharing Buttons Templates for 2020. The rest is up to you. Choose the template you feel will be the most appropriate for your website, and enjoy sharing your content on social media. If you need any additional help from us, or have questions regarding today’s article, please feel free to contact us below in comments, and we will do our best to help you as soon as possible.
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