10 WordPress Plugins that will Save You a Ton of Time - 85ideas.com
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10 WordPress Plugins that will Save You a Ton of Time

As most of you already know, running a successful blog requires an insane amount of time. Today in this article we will present a collection of must have WP plugins which will make your blog run smoothly and save you a ton of time.


These 10 must have plugins are actually like having a full – time employee that does most of the technical work for you which leaves you with free time to do the most important things for your blog: create a high – quality content and connect with your audience.


  1. Pretty Link

Pretty Link is an awesome WP plugin which allows you to create shorter links to any pages you usually refer a lot. This plugin will save you lots of time, as you will have links of pages instead of hunting their URL’s all the time. With Pretty Link you can replace each URL with a memorable keyword, and save a ton of time hunting down links.


  1. Yoast SEO


For most bloggers search engine optimization is not an easy task at all. Yoast SEO is a great WP plugin which guides you trough the optimization process of each of your posts. With this awesome plugin it will be enough to know only the basics of SEO, and the plugin does the rest.


  1. Akismet

Akismet is a plugin built by Automattic which is the company behind WordPress.com. This awesome plugin is free for personal use, and cost $5 per month for one commercial website. Akismet runs all incoming comments on your website trough their API service, and divides the comments to spam and not spam.


  1. WP Time Capsule

wp time capsule

WP Time Capsule allows you to choose any cloud storage where to store all your site backups. Besides this, the plugin makes it super easy to restore your website as well. One of the best features of this awesome plugin is that it offers incremental backup which does not get heavy on the servers.


  1. WordFence

WordFence is a WP plugin which as most of other plugins, it comes as a free and a premium version. This great plugin is trusted and well – known among users worldwide. The Threat Defence feed shares latest malware signatures, firewall rules and different malicious IP addresses with WordFence in order to make it stronger and more reliable in the fight against different threats.


  1. WP Performance Profiler

You are probably aware that the speed of your WP website impacts directly the search engine results, which means that if your site is slow Google will penalize you. The WP Performance Profiler plugin reports any activated plugin which slows down your site. Besides this, it even tells you the impact your installed plugins have on your website’s front end which directly affects its speed.


  1. WP Broken Link Status Checker

Broken links many hurt your website’s SEO and your reader’s experience, so you need to make sure all your links are in order. WP Broken Status Checker is a WP plugin which runs scans that check all of the links on your site.


  1. ManageWP

manage wp

When you have 2+ blogs it can be overwhelming to keep track of everything by yourself. ManageWP is an excellent plugin which acts as a management system that connects more blogs to a single dashboard. This great plugin will save you a ton of time if you have more than one website, as it will connect all of your blogs in one, and you won’t have to go from one to the other and loose time.


  1. SEO Smart Links

When you post a new article on your website, and want to link it to you some of your older posts, you probably visit all of them and loose time doing it. With the SEO Smart Links plugin you won’t have to do that. This awesome plugin automatically links phrases or keywords in your articles based on rules set by you.


  1. MonsterInsights

MonsterInsights is one of the best Google Analytics plugin for WP websites. This awesome plugin allows you to connect your website with Google Analytics, learn more about your visitors, as well as keep track of your website’s traffic. MonsterInsights comes both in free and premium version with lots of amazing and useful features.


Thank you very much for reading this article. We hope you enjoyed out hand – picked collection of plugins which will surely save you a ton of time. If you have any questions, or need any additional help, please do not hesitate to contact us below in comments, and we will do our best to help you as soon as possible.

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at 85ideas is a team of WordPress experts led by Brian Harris. Here to share amazing tuts, guides and collections.

  • Malik Aarif
    Posted at 06:31h, 02 April Reply

    Great list of useful, informative and helpful plugins. I am newbie and this is my first time on your website. Really impressed.

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