5+ Best WordPress Charts & Graphs Plugins 2021 - 85ideas.com

5+ Best WordPress Charts & Graphs Plugins 2021

There is no better way to publish a report than to do that with the help of charts and graphs. Visual data is easy to digest for human beings and it’s a well-known fact now. So, when it comes to blogging or related subjects, using this psychological rule for the advantage is must these days.

However, creating graphs and charts is not that easy. A traditional way to make that happen is to hire a person who is an expert in drawings and is also capable of understanding the data. Most importantly, at the analysis part.

Or, if you’re using WordPress, you can go ahead and install a plugin that can make it work. Yes, there are worthy plugins available out there, which can do this job.

Today, I’m sharing the best WordPress charts and graphs plugins for 2021. Each of these is capable of offering a top-notch experience, but you need to pick the one which matches the requirements perfectly.


#1 WordPress Charts and Graphs

WordPress Charts and Graphs

It’s free and one of the best solution out there when it comes to creating and mangling charts and graphs. It not only helps in creating and managing these graphics but also allow them to quickly get embedded into a post or page. It uses the interactive Google Visualization API and thus, supports all known web browsers including the older IE versions. Moreover, the design part is responsive to support both Android and iOS platforms too.

The plugin offers basic features without any price tag while keeping the premium ones hidden for the paid users. The paid version brings HTML5 support to the table along with dedicated support from the developer. The paid version also adds 9 different chart types and makes things even more flexible and customizable.

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#2 Charts Ninja

Charts Ninja

In order to use this free plugin you need to sign up for a free account and after then, you’ve access to a powerful tool that allows creating functional charts and graphs. The tools are dead simple to use and anyone with the right knowledge can use it. The graphics created here are flexible and responsive to ensure proper support for smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. The real deal with this plugin is how easy it is to use.

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#3 Data Tables Generator by Supsystic

Data Tables Generator by Supsystic

With all the basic features, this is another free plugin to consider. It does come with some unique features like customization options for the caption, header, and footer areas, and a tool to quickly export the files into PDF or CSV formats. It even holds a button to quickly print a graphic. Moreover, it supports most of the Excel formulas and uses HTML code to keep things modern and responsive. The tool follows most of the SEO norms to make posts ranked in better positions.

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#4 amCharts: Charts and Maps


amCharts is a library itself which can let you create powerful charts and maps and another sort of graphics. With this free plugin, importing and embedding all those graphics within a WordPress post or page becomes dead simple. It makes the procedure hassle free and the plugin is developed by the official developers. If you’re using amCharts, then going ahead with this option makes total sense.

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#5 WordPress Charts

WordPress Charts

It’s another free product which offers tons of features under the hood. Our first recommendation offered HTML5 support for a price but this one does that without any price tag, at all. The best part about the plugin is that it is regularly updated to bring new features and fix performance and security issues. It also packs a built-in Widget, supporting all graphic modules available inside along with six different chart types which are all customizable and full of cool animations. Moreover, it uses responsive design and is compatible to work with all modern web browsers including support for older IE versions.

#6 Google Chart WordPress Plugin

Google Chart WordPress Plugin

As you can make it from the name itself, it’s a plugin which offers almost every graphic allowed over the internet, i.e., supported by the web browsers. It’s a premium product available at CodeCanyon platform but the developer isn’t offering any kind of support, which is the only downside. Coming at the features, it supports 3D charts and holes for pie charts, hAxis, and vAxis titles, along with support for other chart types like a column, line, bubble, area, and stepped area.

The complete data is driven by built-in form or Google Spreadsheet, keeping the resources away from the primary server of the website. It allows putting multiple chart instances on a single page and is compatible with the latest jQuery and WordPress version. The design part is responsive and fits perfectly the small screen devices. It even packs a Live Preview option to help you quickly check the work.

#7 RJ Quickcharts

RJ Quickcharts

It’s another free product which can let you build powerful and complex bar charts, line charts and pie charts in a couple of minutes. All these graphics are developed using HTML5, making them responsive and lightweight while maintaining the modern looks and attributes. For most of the times, it works just like Excel and comes with a lot of customization options to make things look like a custom solution.

It works with Axis titles perfectly and the plugin adds a simple button to embed a graphic quickly into any post or page or even into any custom post type. It quickly allows taking screenshots and save the graphics as .png format.


I hope you find at least, one plugin meeting all the requirements. If not, let me know the specific requirements in the discussion section below and I’ll see if there is anything available to suit those needs. Don’t forget to share this compilation with all your friends online as it can help them out too. Peace!



*last updated 01/10/2021

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at 85ideas is a team of WordPress experts led by Brian Harris. Here to share amazing tuts, guides and collections.

  • Ceba
    Posted at 00:06h, 07 June Reply

    I wasnt aware of these plugins I thought only jQuery chart plugins are good to accomplish the task.

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