10 Recommended WordPress Plugins for Photographers

Best WordPress Plugins for Photographers

We know it is hard to find best WordPress plugins for photographers and that’s why today I will conquer this massive question and present you with plugins that really make change to photographers that are using the WordPress platform for showcasing their creativity.

The world is full of wonder, and there is no end to hidden gems in the world. The role of photographers is to capture the beauty of the surrounding and bring it front of their audience. They are no technical persons(other than camera) and might struggle when it comes to publishing their photos to the world.

And this is where WordPress kicks in. It provides the code for photographers to showcase their talent to the world. No one can deny the fact on how easy it is to use WordPress. With a slight learning curve, anyone can host their own website in a matter of minutes. And, that’s why many photographers friends of mine always prefer WordPress as their primary platform. Without wasting much time, let’s start our list of best WordPress plugins for photographers

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Best WordPress plugins for photographers

1. EWWW Image Optimizer

EWWW Image Optimizer Plugin

Image Optimization is a big game on the internet. No one love website that take a ton of time to load up and that can be an issue if you are running an image website. Photographers have no other option, but upload images to their website.

To make sure that you don’t make the visitor or the search engine not to like you, you need to optimize the image. EWWW Image Optimizer is one of the coolest things right now. It optimizes said images and make them ready for the web.

The optimization depends on what choice you have taken: If you have chosen lossless, there won’t be any difference in quality, but lossy compression algorithm works differently.

The cloud version of the plugins runs scripts on the cloud and spare the hosting server. This can be quite useful for websites that are using shared hosting.

Another great alternative to the EWWW Image Optimizer is WP Smush.it and it works equally well for images.

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2. Imsanity

Imsanity WordPress Plugin

Imsanity is a simple WordPress plugin that offers something that the other image related WordPress plugins doesn’t.

Images captured using photographers devices such as the camera, or mobile device tends to be of high resolution and that can lead to issues when uploaded on the website. The image optimization plugins don’t offer huge image size optimization.

So, where does Imsanity stands? It offers all the necessary options that enable your WordPress website to limit the size and resolution of the images being uploaded. This simply helps you to avoid situtation — The instance when your website just became slow after uploading a big file to your website.

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3. Regenerate Thumbnails

Regenerate Thumbnails is a sleek, useful plugin with over 900,000+ active installs. It is used to regenerate thumbnails whenever you change your theme or try to use the size that is not available.

WordPress, by default, saves the images in different image sizes. With the image sizes developed, you can now use new themes. But new themes can generate new sizes, discarding the old ones. This can cause problems. Regenerate Thumbnails fixes the problems and make the old images available to the old one.

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4. W3 Total Cache

W3 Total Cache Plugin

Website loading speed is important, and that’s why I listed Instantly and EWWW Image optimizer. W3 Total Cache is yet another plugin that can improve loading times of your website — especially for photographers.

The plugin is quite useful for any website so if you are running a different website, don’t forget to use it.

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5. SolliloQuy

Responsive WordPress Slider Soliloquy Lite

Sliders are an important part of any website to showcase information using some images. And, SolliloQuy is one of the best WordPress slider plugins out there. It can be used to create slides and integrate them into your homepage, posts, and pages.

The slider plugin is also very fast and doesn’t impact the page-loading speed of the website. It has a unique design and offers the right choice for the photographers.

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6. SEO Friendly Images

SEO Friendly Images Plugin

SEO Friendly Images is a simple plugin that makes your images ready for SEO purposes. The search engine doesn’t understand images and hence require you to use the “alt” tag within an image. It is possible to do it manually, but what happens when you are going to upload hundreds of your collection to your website?

This is where this simple plugin takes over. It offers automation for the alt process, and if you want to control the automation, you can use the tokens for bending the output according to your requirement.

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7. WordPress SEO by Yoast

WordPress SEO by Yoast

Taking great photos of one thing, but reaching your audience on the internet is a completely different perspective. Don’t worry as WordPress SEO by Yoast is a simple plugin that optimizes your website for SEO(on-page).

It generates a sitemap, provides a small sleek form that contains target keyword, meta description and other vital information for a complete SEO optimization.

You can share images on your pages and then optimize the page according to a keyword, enabling you to reach your audience in no time.

Note: Off-Page SEO is also important and hence should not be avoided.

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8. Contact Form 7

Contact Form 7 Plugin

Your followers are not brain dead, they have judgment and may want to contact you for the incredible image that you uploaded last night.

How do they contact you? The easiest way is to put a contact form on your website. Putting a contact form is extremely easy and can be done with the help of Contact Form 7.

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9. Pinterest Pin It Button for Images

Pinterest Pin It Button For Images

Targeting social media platforms is quite obvious. After all, you want as many followers as you want! This is true for the Pinterest platform. With this simple plugin, you can add PIN IT button on top of the images. These images are now ready to be shared with just one click, enabling your photography blog to reach hundreds of readers online.

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Wrap Up

WordPress for photographers is nothing new. Today, we made sure that you use the best plugins for your photography website.

My favorite picks are Pinterest Pin It, Yoast SEO, SEO friendly images and SolliloQuy. Other plugins are also useful for image oriented website and any website that is heavy on images.

Do, you like the collection of plugins for photographers? Which plugin do you think is a must have and cannot be discarded at any cost? Comment below and let us know.

Also, share the article with your friends and family.

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at 85ideas is a team of WordPress experts led by Brian Harris. Here to share amazing tuts, guides and collections.

  • Scott Wyden Kivowitz
    Posted at 20:36h, 10 August Reply

    Don’t forget NextGEN Gallery, used by over 500,000 photographers and 1.3 million users overall as well as NextGEN Pro which adds ecommerce to the best WordPres gallery plugin out there 🙂

    • Nitish Singh
      Posted at 07:36h, 11 August Reply

      Thank you for pointing it out Scoot!! NextGEN Gallery does look promising, and the statistics that you have mentioned showcase how it is helpful for the photographers.

      Keep visiting 85ideas!

    • Brian H
      Posted at 11:49h, 25 September Reply

      Hi Scott,

      Yes you are right! NextGEN Gallery should have definitely be here. I will include it on our next update:)

  • Derek Ashauer
    Posted at 06:55h, 22 September Reply

    You can also check out Sunshine Photo Cart – a free WordPress client proofing gallery and photo cart/e-commerce plugin.

    • Brian H
      Posted at 11:52h, 25 September Reply

      Hey Derek,

      You have a beautiful site, I am not familiar with your plugin though. It would be an interesting option for photographers.

      • Derek Ashauer
        Posted at 16:55h, 25 September Reply

        That’s why I’m trying to get the word out. It’s been around for over 2 years, but it has been a paid only option up until last month. Now the core plugin (fully functional with no restrictions) is free and add-ons can be purchased separately – just like WooCommerce. We also have a Pro option which gives you access to all the add-ons and Premium Support for a highly discounted price.

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