Hostgator 65% off Coupon Code -
Hostgator 65% off Coupon Code

Check out our latest HostGator coupon code to save money on website hosting and other additional services. For turbo-charged speed, seamless scalability, advanced security and most optimized web performance, HostGator is the go-to name in the world of hosting services. With dedicated hosting options for personal websites beginning as low as $3.95, and full suite of WordPress hosting at less than $10 per month, HostGator consistently ranks among the best hosting service providers around.


When looking for the best HostGator discount, it is important to note a few codes. There are two promotions that will surely save you the most money, but it is important to use the correct HostGator coupon to save the most money. The two best coupons are listed in the box below.

Complete List of Hostgator Coupon Codes (Click to Reveal)

Coupon Codes for 2018

Want to get the best of web hosting from HostGator at an affordable price? Add these coupon codes at checkout and avail the benefits of great web hosting, dedicated or shared services for an affordable price:

  • 2016PENNYCOUPON – Get the perfect test-ride with HostGator with the first month for only 1 cent! Unbeatable price for new users and beginners who can try it out for a month at virtually no cost.
  • 2016VPSCOUPON – Get 25% off VPS (virtual private server) hosting from HostGator. Great saving for business websites, e-Commerce sites and other dedicated service providers who need scalable and secure web hosting services.
  • HGBAYOU994 – Save $9.94 on any HostGator purchase of equal or greater value. It means, if you purchase an annual hosting at $3.48 per month, you effectively get the first 2 months for free!
  • 85IDEASQUARTER – 25% off your HostGator hosting plan with the coupon code. Offer valid for shared reseller hosting, hosting, VPS, and dedicated hosting plans. Not valid on renewals.
  • 85IDEASWP25 – Save 25% off all managed WordPress hosting packages.

So how do you know which coupon to use? We’ve done the math for you and figured out what the best discount is. If your order is under $38, use coupon code 85IDEAS994. If your order is over $38, use the coupon 85IDEASQUARTER. The best thing about the 25% off discount is that you will be able to save 25% on any order, even a $200 dedicated server! This will save you tons of money in the long run, and ensure you get started on HostGator at the best price possible.

Other HostGator Promotions

In addition to releasing coupon codes, Hostgator also runs other promotions throughout the year, offering discounts and savings on web hosting packages and addons. These include everything from seasonal sales, to email list “Flash Sales”.


Email List (Flash Sales)

The first and second easiest way (the first is by using a year-round coupon code) to get a HostGator discount is by signing up for their mailing list. The marketing team often times sends out emails for what they call “Flash Sales”, which are usually weekend deals or deals that only last a few days. These savings are typically pretty good, and I’ve seen discounts offered as great as 75% off hosting packages.


You really can’t beat these, but when you see one, act quick, because they expire very quickly. I really wish HostGator would extend their Flash Sale promotions for longer, but if you’re in the market for hosting at the time when they release the sale, you’re in luck.


Social Media

In addition to the email deals HostGator sends out, the company also does a great job of running promotions for their social media followers. The best way to find these promotions is follow one of the accounts listed below. These accounts are specifically for the seasonal deals we outline below, and can snag you some pretty awesome discounts. Check out a few of the accounts listed and start saving big.


Facebook Coupons page of HostGator also hosts several amazing coupons and deals. Follow their social activity and save more on your website hosting. Watch out for their monthly saving posts. HostGator also has specialized hashtags and deal handles on Twitter like @BestFridayDeals, @HolidayFlashSale, @SnapperDeals etc. for its followers and re-tweeters.


Seasonal Offers

Like many other web hosting providers, HostGator runs quite a few seasonal promotions throughout the year. There’s really no telling when these will come up, but based on previous years, we can predict pretty well when they might. Take a look at a few of the promotions HostGator has run in the past to get a better idea of when you might be able to save.


Black Friday/ Cyber Monday deal 

For a mere $4.86 per month, HostGator Thanksgiving deals offer get unlimited disk space, unlimited bandwidth, FREE site builder, FREE 1-click scriptaculous installs for wizards, plug-ins, email clients and WordPress, $100 Coupon for Google Adwords, $100 Coupon for Yahoo/Microsoft Bing Ads, FREE 4000+ Website templates and 45 days money-back guarantee. You can find out about their unbeatable deals from their blog or social media pages.


St. Patrick’s Day Sales

Up to 55% off on domain hosting plus $8 domains on offer – double bonanza from HostGator who give away the best of hosting and domain purchase features for new users and existing ones looking to add more domain power.


Valentine’s Day

Several stackable offers which take off between 50% and 75% off regular price of dedicated hosting, shared hosting, and even valid on cloud hosting and green hosting options. These offers are generally limited to the weekend of the event.


In addition there are end of season sales during summer, back-to-school sales right before the first week of fall semester and Christmas Holiday Dash sales – all of them offering massive discounts of 70-75% on regular prices. Keep an eye on their Facebook community to get more out of their premier hosting.


Best Time to Claim a HostGator Promotional Coupon

3 color clocks realistic illustration


So we’ve established that HostGator provides some awesome promo codes to help you save money, great. But when is the optimum time to use these codes? You can use a HostGator discount coupon really whenever you have a need. We’ve found, however, that most of our users claim a discount when they are:


  • Transferring domain or hosting – With several options to transfer DB controls (MySQL transfer), Website transfer, and Domain transfer – HostGator makes moving to a more organized hosting experience a cinch. In addition, they optimize the content to fit their speedier platform and generally end up improving your website performance.
  • New online business – with their premium e-Commerce features, payment gateway integration and security, HostGator is one of the very best option to set up online business. Plus they offer great scalability with their bandwidth and disk space options, as well as VPS / Cloud hosting features.
  • Holidays – HostGator inevitably offers some great flash sales during the holiday season, further incentivizing their already great dedicating hosting plans and cost-efficient options. Most of their Holiday seasonal discounts are also valid on reseller offers.


Best HostGator hosting plans, and bonus offers

Since its inception in 2002, HostGator has gone on to support small businesses, large enterprise websites, blogs, and personal portfolios. With unmatched customer service, excellent email feature suite, and an array of options for beginners and advanced webmasters alike, they’re among the leading brands. Customers trust HostGator to keep their sites live so they can do what they do best, build and grow their sites.


To choose the best HostGator plan suited to your technical, business, or personal needs is easy. Check out their support forum, chat to their support technicians, or call to speak to them. Don’t fret if you’re not a tech geek, or an expert on websites. Their award winning support helps you understand the pros and cons of various plans from basic, non-technical standpoint (minus the jargon!).


Check out their Offers and Bonuses to know more about Codeguard, backup for websites, free online storage, scalability benefits, ad serving, cross band promotions and many more advanced features at super affordable prices on offer. To enable one or more of their services, or pick the right plan for your website, you may also get help from the video tutorials. You can learn about virtually anything from their FREE site builder, to their admin panel features.


HostGator also offers full suite of website design features. Making your migration from your old host easier, they can completely refashion your website, offer dedicated CMS, site design coordinator resource and much more. If you’re still unsure, just check out the best coupon code for you.


Before you make a purchase, check out the HostGator price chart, look up the different bonuses, offers, and promotional discounts which are active.

  1. For long-term Cloud hosting options $265 for 36 months (after a 20% discount) is a terrific hosting plan. At less than $7.5 per month, it gives access to several website building tools, security features, and free domain organization options with near invincible uptime guarantee.
  2. For standard, optimized WordPress hosting, you can get 3 years of WordPress hosting, with domain updates, security, and single domain features included in a bundle for only $9.95/ month. Compare this with DreamHost ($19.95) and BlueHost ($17.95) and you know the best deal is yours.


Why HostGator?

There are many reasons why HostGator is the hosting service of choice for millions of users worldwide.


  • They are a one-stop shop of entire feature suite which helps launch a fully functional website – WYWIWYG site builder, rich snippets, shopping carts for e-commerce website, secure payment gateway integrations, and easy one-click installations of popular website applications.
  • HostGator puts high value on security. From industry standard encryption in SSL certificates, to server security, domain security, top-shelf disaster recovery, and enterprise coverage they cover plenty of ground. It makes them the hosting service of choice for e-Commerce websites, small businesses or corporate websites with high traffic and presence.
  • Cost-efficient. With their hosting plans starting as low as $3.48 a month and terrific discounts, they are far more affordable than many ‘recommended’ brands like DreamHost, BlueHost etc, but every bit as popular and effective.
  • Compatibility – HostGator uses the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) platform which enables it to cater to a wider audience. It integrates seamlessly with several software options, applications, and cross-platform code structures. From simple photo-gallery slider to multi-storeyed content management system (CMS), everything can be supported. You also get access to unlimited POP3 accounts, webmail, auto-responders, blacklists (Spam Assassin), and eye-catching email features.
  • As far as performance and customer support go, they boast of an unrivalled record. HostGator is highly facilitative in making things easier for their users. New users with a prior hosts can transfer their existing content to their HostGator account easily. Additionally, HostGator configure the content prior to migration for optimal performance in new platform! Need to transfer domain registration? No problem. Multi-domain SSLs need to be integrated? Yes, HostGator can do that too. All this backed by a round-the-clock customer service with high degree of technical proficiency. Support network is accessible at all times via telephone, live chat, and email.


Flexible and dedicated servers, cloud hosting, green hosting and virtualization options make it among the speediest services. They are also highly vigilant about same IPs making multiple requests and prevent DDoS attacks effectively by weeding out such malicious efforts.


HostGator FAQ – Help & Promotions

Question 1: How reliable is the hosting service?

View Answer

The hosting option comes with 45 -Day Money Back Guarantee. If you’re not impressed for any reason, you can revoke your purchase within 45 days and get a complete refund. HostGator hosting services come with 99.9% uptime guarantee backed by the CEO of the company himself.


Question 2: Is it effective to have a server location near my geographical location?

View Answer

Unless you’re a business website catering to a highly localized population (e.g. an American e-commerce company only selling to U.S. customers), there isn’t any tangible benefit in speed or optimization of web performance. The servers are distributed, spot-lighted, and tuned to handle traffic from world over. And multiple independent tests from third party agencies have consistently placed HostGator among the top five web hosting performers in the world.


Question 3: How can I restore lost files or directory on HostGator?

View Answer

HostGator has options to back up your files, directory, or MySQL Database backups. While they would recover to an earlier date, it would obviously overwrite your most recent versions, but it’s better than losing your entire online presence in lieu of few days of work. Read more here to know about our various back up and disaster recovery plans. There is a $15 nominal fee to restore from our backups.


Question 4: Should I use your coupon code or one from the site?

View Answer

That all depends on what promotions the company is offering at the time you ask yourself that question. As of right now, the best discount on HostGator products in our 25% off code. The website only has 20% off, so you’ll be saving more when you choose our code.

Again, please note that if your order is under $38, use our $9.94 off coupon, but if your order is under $38, select the 25% off coupon and apply it at checkout.

 Hopefully our guide to a HostGator coupon code and promotions was helpful! We update our codes constantly, so you can be sure that you’re getting the best deal on HostGator hosting plans. Do you have a better code, discount, or promotion that we missed? Let us know in the comments below, or shoot us an email through our contact form. Thanks for reading!

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  • Alison David
    Posted at 07:04h, 04 April Reply

    Thanks for sharing Hostgator coupon code. I got my discount at the time. This is really 100% verified. Keep Sharing with us.

    • Editorial Staff
      Posted at 00:05h, 10 April Reply

      You are welcome Alison, we will try add more coupons as much as we can.

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