Benefits of Minimalist Web design (with examples) -

Benefits of Minimalist Web design (with examples)

Creating websites using the minimalist approach is something that will go against everything some web designers have ever known. They have a bunch of expensive editing tools, normally used for designing the flashiest websites full of elements, features, and fancy graphics. Increasingly, however, they are now being asked to reign all that in as more businesses opt for a minimalist approach for their business websites.

It is noticeable too, you only have to browse the internet for a few minutes to see that many businesses have decided that less is more. Trends come and go, but for now, it is clear that minimalist web design is proving popular with businesses and their visitors.

Is the minimalist approach something you have been thinking about for your business website? If so, you may not even need an expensive web designer to put it together. Website builders such as Editor X allow you to create a minimalist Web design of your own, for a fraction of the cost of a web designer.

Adopting a minimalist web design for your company website can offer numerous benefits, including improved loading speed, enhanced user engagement, and a streamlined focus on essential content, leading to a more intuitive and visually appealing experience for visitors. With a clean and uncluttered interface, your company website design can effectively convey your message, increase brand credibility, and encourage visitors to explore your offerings more deeply.

Below are a handful of reasons why a minimalist approach to web design can benefit your business.

  • Minimalist Web Design Improves User Experience

If you give visitors too much to do, you may lose them. Close to 60% of web users will quickly skim content to get an impression. If your website has a ton going on such as ads popping up everywhere, thousands of words of content, and bright colours, many will simply not bother. A minimalist-style website will deliver exactly what they want. The opportunity to get a quick glimpse of what your business offers, without any distractions.

Get straight to the point with your visitors without the fancy gimmicks, advertisements, and anything else that keeps them away from what they want to see.

A perfect example of a minimalist website:

  • Your Pages Will Load Quicker

Pages that take a long time to load is another source of frustration for visitors. Leading busy lives, visitors want to see your page and its contents instantly. It may seem a little excessive but 40% of people will click out of a web page if it does not load within three seconds.

Many things affect your page loading speeds, but one of the most significant is the quantity of content that requires loading up. A ton of ads, images, videos, and website features such as live chat will all contribute to page loading speeds.  Using a minimalist web design helps to eliminate many of these issues.

Example of a fast loading website:

  • Your Website Will Perform Better on Mobile Devices

Any modern website should take mobile-friendliness seriously, especially considering more people now connect to the internet using mobile devices over anything else. Obviously, mobile devices have much smaller screens than desktop computers or laptops, so trying to fit a webpage and its features onto that screen is difficult at the best of times.

Responsive web design has made life a lot easier for mobile users, but some websites still struggle to perform well on mobile devices. Websites designed in a minimalist style offer a perfect fit for mobile devices thanks to containing little content, a reduction of bold colours, and usually, not having too many intrusive ads and pop-ups.

A good example is:

  • Your Website Looks Attractive & Modern

No matter how you slice it, a minimalist website looks fantastic. Simple in design, relaxing on the eye, and a pleasure to admire. A website without the clutter, loud colours and too many moving parts, is a beauty to behold. You can imagine the thoughts that go through people’s minds when they see your minimalist website for the first time, and most will not be negative.

Your website will often provide people with their first impression of your company, so make it a good one and you have made the perfect start. Put them off at the first step and you may never see them again.

An example of a beautiful minimalist website:

The Simple Verdict

Minimalism is a web design trend you can no longer ignore and one that we feel will stick around for quite some time. It is the perfect accomplice to mobile devices, puts less strain on page loading times, improves the user experience, and looks fantastic at the same time!

The only issue with this design is that it gives designers little to hide behind. What you produce has to be on point. Try to avoid imitating what is already out there and instead let your own creative juices flow. If you run a business and want to create a budget-friendly minimalist website, try out website builders like Editor X, you’ll be surprised at the quality you can create on a small budget.


Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at 85ideas is a team of WordPress experts led by Brian Harris. Here to share amazing tuts, guides and collections.

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