How is SEO Changing this Decade? -

How is SEO Changing this Decade?

Every year, Google changes its search algorithms more than a hundred times. Some changes are minor tweaks; some are colossal shifts that majorly affect the way that your business ranks on the search engine. It could throw you back to oblivion on page 5 or bump you way up to the top spot on page 1. Either way, with the competition for the user’s attention being at such a high level, it is important to stay on top of the bucking bronco that is SEO. 

With a new decade just started, new trends in SEOs are sure to follow. It is no use sticking to your tried and tested methods only to realize that they have been deemed obsolete and left-back in 2019. 

Here are few predictions of how SEO trends will adapt for the new decade and how you can keep the top spot of the search rankings: 


  • Newbies


As more and more startups flood the market, your business might end up being pushed to the back of the queue as it slips down the search rankings. Keep your business running at the highest level attainable by using configuration management tools and making sure that the digital infrastructure of your business is functioning at its best.  


  • Influencers


Whether you love the word or hate it, the title of influencer has dominated the online world throughout recent years. It seemed to have started its life on blogs, which then spread to YouTube and then expanded beyond onto all different forms of social media, even coining new lexemes such as ‘Instafamous’

The influencer market has grown to become a $5-$10 billion industry. Brands have thrown money at influencers as a marketing tactic, and it appears to have worked. If you have an influencer on your side, it will help you to generate more traffic, broaden your content reach and boost the chances of your reaching a wider audience.  


  • Video 


You know that it killed the radio star and it is not finished yet. As the new top dog of content, a video has been proven to boost your Google ranking, which makes it a powerful tool on your SEO strategy tool belt. 


  • Vocals


Voice searching has become one of the most popular ways for people to search using their mobile devices. Users tend to find it easier to voice their searches, especially if they are in a hurry. Unfortunately, this means that their searches aren’t always the most specific. Optimize your SEO by considering this and using bullet lists with keywords to help boost your rankings.


  • Content 


Quality is what will get you on that allusive page 1 of Google, but it is hard to know where the line should be drawn for quantity. There has been plenty of research on the ideal length of webpages, blog posts, and articles and how they can affect your SEO rankings. All of which conclude that users tend to be drawn to pages which are more have more visual content. However, you tend not to get audience retention from just pretty pictures. You need something that will hold their attention, which will tell Google that your users are invested in your content, which will, therefore, increase your search rankings. If you can’t do this on your own, you should find an SEO agency like SEO agency in Sydney that will do the job for you.

2020 is the start of a brand-new era of SEO, make sure that you do not let the ever-changing algorithms leave you behind.  

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at 85ideas is a team of WordPress experts led by Brian Harris. Here to share amazing tuts, guides and collections.

  • Pasco
    Posted at 16:31h, 15 March Reply

    SEO is turning into such a sophisticated process. It will ever be evolving for the rest of our lives!

  • Abhijit
    Posted at 02:44h, 14 June Reply

    Also Google is accounting new website which its considering best for Indexing, if it is so the number of website which produce numerous content will increase in number and People will start SEO for those website as well.

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