Yoast Leads to Duplicate Article Schema on Wordpress Sites - 85ideas.com
Yoast Leads to Duplicate Article Schema on Wordpress Sites

Yoast Leads to Duplicate Article Schema on WordPress Sites

Yoast made a new update for a month ago and they have added to the WordPress website Article schema by default. However this leads many websites to have duplicate Article schema and also having problems with the schema Yoast created. The application is creating an extra schema which is causing a spam structured data. This provided a bed experience for most of our clients recently. We managed to fix the problem with removing the Yoast’s JSON. However the problem has made serious effects on the websites traffics.

Why Duplicate Article Schema Effects Traffic and SEO?

Structured data spam is exists and there is also a Google penalty for structured data manipulates. Duplicate schema in same category is one of those problems. You can do it unknowingly but if you use too much duplicate data on your website, Google Structured Data Penalty is going to be what you are going to face. This is not only about snippets on Google search results, this is also about the ranking too.

Since there are too much theme designs which are using Article schema by default, Yoast caused many troubles to those website owners. Especially for beginners in WordPress and for those who doesn’t check the change log of the plugin.

False Article Schema Harmed Websites

Other than the duplicate problem. Yoast’s first release for Article schema caused problems on websites. For those who marked up themselves as Person got those errors. However this didn’t affect those website which has marked itself as Organisation. The problem fixed by Yoast developers for a few days later. However the problem already harmed  those websites who are using Yoast. The new update was a little bit late and websites already indexed by Google.

What Do You Need to Do?

If you are happy with your current Article schema and if Yoast created a duplicate one on your website, you will need to remove Yoast’s JSON from your WordPress Website. Also don’t forget to use the latest version of Yoast now.

If you still need help to fix this problem or if you have any question, you can ask us through Whatsapp support: +905050199074

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at 85ideas is a team of WordPress experts led by Brian Harris. Here to share amazing tuts, guides and collections.

  • Graphicexpertsindia
    Posted at 04:22h, 24 August Reply

    Very informative article about Yoast, every SEO specialist should read this article.

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