Four Tips and Tricks for Using WordPress -
Four Tips and Tricks for Using WordPress

Four Tips and Tricks for Using WordPress

Many people choose to use WordPress because of how powerful and relatively easy to use it is. It is also one of the best platforms if you want to optimize your web pages.

However, if you’re going to use its power for yourself, it is essential to keep up with the platform to avoid falling behind.

1. Think About Paying for Your Website

Money in walletIf you are setting up a site for your business, it’s essential to factor the cost into your budget. While WordPress itself is free, there are other costs associated with setting up and maintaining a website. For example, there will be hosting and domain fees and these can vary depending on the provider you choose.

Also, you might need to pay for content, such as logos, images, or written content. Since these can all add up quickly, you might want to consider taking out a personal loan from a private lender. That way, you can pay upfront costs without the financial burden on your business.

2. Choose a Theme That Is SEO-Friendly

Search engine optimizationOne of the reasons so many people use WordPress is that it comes with a range of both paid and free themes. There are many to choose from, and it can be tempting to choose them based on appearance alone. However, you will also want to think about the quality of the theme. Think about how SEO-friendly that theme is and how well it will fit with your overall goals.

Many of the themes have a tag letting you know they are SEO-friendly. Ensure you find one that has the title so your site can be found in search engine results. Moreover, it should have a responsive design, which means it works well on any device it is viewed on. People will be visiting the site from computers, smartphones, tablets, and other devices, so you need to ensure it works well on all of these devices.

3. Consider an SSL Certificate

Lock on computerYou can make your site more trustworthy by getting an SSL certificate. If you have been on sites with these certificates, you noticed the small, green padlock near the page’s URL. That is simply a bit of coding that encrypts the webpage and browser connection, protecting you better. If you have this type of certificate, the URL will be “HTTPS” instead of “HTTP.”

Furthermore, such a URL shows users that you have a secure connection, which will increase your visitors’ trust and reduce bounce rates. Plus, some search engines prioritize sites that have these certificates. If you do not have one, visitors might receive a red warning that they do not have a secure connection, and they might be more likely to leave quickly.

4. Think About Voice Searches

Men sending a voice messageToday, more users are turning to voice assistants for web browsing. Today, many internet searches are made using voice searches, and that will keep growing. There are a few things you can do to ensure your site is optimized for voice browsing.

Make sure everything loads quickly and ensure your content uses conversational language. If you have business listings outside of your website, ensure those are kept updated as well.

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at 85ideas is a team of WordPress experts led by Brian Harris. Here to share amazing tuts, guides and collections.

  • brenda
    Posted at 20:10h, 28 June Reply

    Thanks for this post. It just gave me a solution to a long lasting problem i have been trying to solve.

  • Silo Path
    Posted at 04:40h, 30 June Reply

    How can I develop a wordpress website? Can you tell me please which is the best theme of word press site, I am a professional photo editor.

  • Magesh
    Posted at 07:44h, 01 July Reply

    I’m going to create blog subdomain by using WordPress. its really going to help mea lot.

    Thanks for the tips/

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