10+ Best Free Responsive Drupal Themes in 2019

10 Free Responsive Drupal Themes – How do they stack up vs WordPress?

Are you looking for the best responsive Drupal themes? Then, you have landed on the right place. Today, we will shift our focus from WordPress to the Drupal.

Drupal might not be as popular as  WordPress, but it does carry all the guns in the arsenal to bring the best out of the web. Drupal is famous for its notorious difficult learning curve and there is no one who denies this fact.

On the other hand, it does offer the most impressive user experience. The ecosystem is impressive, and both the plugin and themes plays an important part in the success of the Drupal platform.

And, then comes the free responsive themes. Who doesn’t love awesome free stuff? I do, and I know you do it too. Before it gets too late, it’s a good idea to get started with the best free responsive Drupal themes.

The Best Free Responsive Drupal Themes

Drupal is a very strong CMS that can be utilized when creating different sites. The best thing about this is that you don’t have to pay to use them. Many responsive Drupal themes are currently ready online. Free Drupal themes should be applied by the new beginners and by individuals who have a tight budget.

But, Drupal has other themes that are paid for online. If you wish to upgrade your site, you should choose high-quality themes because they give space for optimization. Moreover, with high-quality responsive Drupal themes, you are assured of full support from developers. This means that your theme will be developed continually so that it can be compatible with new responsive Drupal themes that are released regularly. You can also communicate with your developer if you experience any problem with your theme.

Free responsive Drupal themes were created very carefully having all details and testing has been done using all the necessary modules. The installation profile is added to all responsive Drupal themes. After installation, you will be required to add your content for replacing the dummy one as well as inserting images. This responsive Drupal themes comes with many features, custom section helps in customizing OrdaSoft Drupal theme so as you can place it any place on your site.

Phoenix Responsive Theme

Phoenix Responsive Theme

Phoenix Responsive Theme is one of the free themes for the drupal platform. It is developed by Zymphonies company and it do come with tons of features, for a free theme.

Starting off, the theme is built using the latest technology HTML5. It is more suited for a company website and offers a modern look. With multi-level dropdown menus, the homepage looks great. Sliders are also stacked in for a better visual experience for the visitor.

If you are looking for a good free theme, then Phoenix Responsive Theme is it.

It includes Nivo slider and many different module styles.



Helios responsive html5 Drupal Template

Helios is a full responsive Drupal theme that offers great customization features. It uses the latest technology such as HTML5 and CSS3. It also utilizes skelJS, a responsive library to build responsive themes.

It comes with all the major aspects a theme should have. For example, it offers headers, banners, sidebar, carousel, etc.


Blogger Theme

responsive Drupal themes

Blogger Theme is one of the most impressive drupal theme out there. It is great looking and offers minimal design for the bloggers.

The theme is multi-purpose in nature and can be used for portfolios, blogging, etc.

As you might have guessed it, the theme is completely responsive and can run flawlessly on different portable devices. It also utilizes advanced typography with the help of Google Font.

For the main page, it comes with a flex image slideshow. The theme is also great for anyone who is looking for a fast loading theme. The fast loading aspect will help anyone to rank better in Google rankings.


Impact Theme

impact_theme free drupal theme

Impact theme is yet another completely responsive multi-purpose Drupal 7 theme. You can use the theme for different purposes. The utilization is the key here.

With responsive layout in the mind, the theme is completely usable in different devices. It also offers great performance for the iPad and iPhone. On the configuration and customization viewpoint, the theme offers decent features.

Minimal design is at the core of the theme. It also offers great typographical options. Moreover, it utilizes HTML5 to meet the current industry standards.

It also supports social media.


Rubix Responsive Theme

Rubix Responsive Drupal Theme

Rubix responsive theme is yet another product of Zymphonies. I have already listed one theme from them, the Pheonix responsive theme. Like any other Zymphonies theme, it is also lightweight and offers a great modern look.

Both the Zymphonies theme are not dependent on the core theme developed by theme, and hence you can use it without any problem.

As usual, it supports social media, offers Nivo slider and have a minimal design. Content can really shine on the theme because of the several typography options utilized offered with the theme.



Elimai Bootstrap Theme fo Drupal

Twitter Bootstrap is always one of the best frameworks to develop a responsive theme. Elimai does that and offers a great responsive design.

It also supports bootstrap carousel, social network support, Sass Compass support, and a one or two column layout.

Installation of the theme is easy and can be done without any problems. The theme utilizes minimalistic colors and focuses on being “Simple”.

According to the official theme page, Elimai, means “Simplicity” in the Tamil language. The Tamil language is a dominant language used in South India.



Hatch theme minimal portfolio theme

Hatch is basically a WordPress theme, which is later imported by Zyxware technologies to Drupal. It is a minimalistic portfolio theme which utilizes 960 Grid System.

It runs great on different browsers and is completely responsive due to the 960 Grid system.

To use the theme, you need to download another theme, known as NineSixty(960) Theme.


Multipurpose Theme


Flat themes have been around for a while now. The multipurpose theme is a flat Drupal theme.

As the name suggests, it can be used for many purposes, such as by small businesses, blog, portfolio, and other websites.

It comes with all the features that you can think of. It is completely responsive and offers a modern look.

For slide purposes, it offers a Flex Image Slideshow and offers a total of 12 block regions.


Responsive Blog Theme

Drupal Personal blog theme

Blogging landscape has been changed in the past decade. Now, blogging is easy to start. With Responsive Blog Theme, you can start your blog with Drupal.

Responsive Blog Theme is completely free. It offers the best experience for the bloggers as it runs flawlessly on any browser. On design aspect, it offers a simplistic view. This enables viewers to have a better view of the content.

Images and other media also glow on the theme. The viewers can also opt to leave feedback on your work.


Venture Theme

Venture business theme

Venture Theme is a great theme for the company website. It is built by Devsaran and is compatible with the latest version of Drupal.

The theme is responsive and can easily be rendered on any image size. The design is simple and elegant.


Over To You

Drupal is a great CMS. As any CMS out there, it also has cons and pros. If you are using Drupal, you probably know what they are. Also having free responsive Drupal themes can really make experimentation easy. Many can use it to launch their business and later buy a premium theme.

But, for now the free responsive Drupal themes will suffice. I hope you liked the list. Don’t forget to comment below. Also, share the article with your friends and family.


Last Updated 04/14/2020 at 4:41:15 PM

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at 85ideas is a team of WordPress experts led by Brian Harris. Here to share amazing tuts, guides and collections.

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