20+ Music Logo Designs for Inspiration - 85ideas.com

20+ Music Logo Designs for Inspiration

Logos are an essential part of brand identity, and they must leave a lasting impression on the minds of the audience. Often, the designs incorporate any aspect of a particular organization or company. To be able to create a perfect logo for a purpose or an organization, various things have to be kept in mind such as theme, typography, symbols and the organization it represents. All music sites need logos that can be remembered by their visitors; logos are instrumental in drawing attention of the visitors to the site. The logo should be attractive and should be a reminiscent of the brand it represents.

The music logo design can be used for various purposes and organizations such as music academy, record label, a music company, musicians, singers, music events, bands and more. There are plenty of professional music logos available for you to seek inspiration for your logo design, but finding music logo designs for inspiration can be tricky.

We have searched some of the best designs that will help you create a compact and appealing music logo design. Here we list 20+ music logo designs that will provide you a burst of logo design inspiration.

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Jazz Castle

Jazz Castle logo

Jazz Castle is designed by logorado; the designer has tried to incorporate the castle architecture in the music instrument. The logo is perfect for a music company, recording label or a band.

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Guitarshop logo

GuitarShop logo is created by gal, the logo has some nice use of colors, with the letter ‘G’ making the guitar design. The logo is perfect for online shops selling guitars or guitar shops.

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Piano Forest

Piano Forest logo

Piano Forest logo is designed by JasonCho, the designer has made great use of trees to represent piano keys. The logo design can be used by a piano shop, music shop, musician or a music company.

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Musical Store

Musical Store logo

Musical Store logo is designed by Chuca, the designer has beautifully incorporated musical notes with a shopping cart. The logo design is perfect for online music stores, music companies or music stores.

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Infinite Records

Infinite Records logo

Infinite Records logo is designed by pkadam, the logo signifies the records and is best suited for a music company.

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Music Planet

5 music logos design

Music Planet logo design is creatively designed with the orbits of the planets with musical notes in the logo. The design is best suited for music companies or online music shops.

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Music City

MusicCity logo

Music city logo is designed by Jerron, the designer has represented the building with piano notes. The design is quite creative, perfect for a music label, music company or an online music store.

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Audiotorium logo

Audiotorium logo is created by Farmill, the logo is brilliant with a nice concept. The design is perfect for a music company, recording company or music stores.

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Metro Music Center

Metro Music Center logo

Metro Music Center logo is designed by GraphicOutLaw, the designer has used the letter ‘c’ to create the body of guitar, it’s a great concept for a music school. The logo design is best suited for a music school that specializes in guitar lessons.

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Jam Center


Jam Center logo is designed by Eldropper, the design is perfect for a music academy where all kinds of instruments and music is taught.

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See the Music


See the music is designed by Logobrary, the designer has creatively shown two records in the shape of glasses. The logo design can be used for music concerts, record labels or any music-related event in restaurant, pubs and clubs.

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Tunecake logo

Tunecake logo is designed by s@ky, the designer has incorporated notes with the cake slice, the design looks quite appealing. It can be used for any online music store or any related service to music production.

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Daily Jazz

Music That Mends logo

Daily Jazz logo is designed by lumo, the designer has used the concept cleverly to design the logo. The logo is perfect for a jazz class, music company, apps, online music stores.

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Piano Box

Piano Box logo

Piano Box is designed by Johnmorrey, the designer has created piano keys in the form of a box. The logo is perfect for a music company, record labels or musicians.

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Search the Music

Search The Music logo

Search the music is designed by Shad, the logo combines the search bar to the music notes nicely to form the logo. The logo is perfect for online music sites, online music stores, music related apps.

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Write and Record

write and record logo

Write and Record logo is designed by DesignerAG, the logo incorporates both pencil and studio microphone in one. The logo is perfect for record labels, music studios, music company or related business.

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audiostring logo

Audiostring logo is designed by LogoGuppy, the logo fits perfectly with the name and will work for any music network or music company.

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Music Academy

Music Academy logo

Music Academy logo is designed by SimplePixelSL; the designer has creatively combined the musical note with the academy hat to create the logo. The logo is perfect for a music academy or a music school.

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Harmony Music

Harmony Music logo

Harmony Music logo is designed by StellarCast; the logo is distinctive and the design is based on the yin-yang symbol that represents balance and harmony in everything. The logo signifies music and is perfect for a music company, record label, online music stores or related websites.

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Jazz Artists of Charleston

Jazz Artists of Charleston logo

Jazz Artists of Charleston logo is designed by Jay Fletcher, the logo is brilliant with great use of a saxophone, piano and drum to represent the letters of the name of the logo. The logo is for a group promoting Charleston’s music history and jazz artists.

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Final Word

So there, you have some of the brilliant music logo designs on the web. Hope you were able to draw inspiration from these designs to create something extra-ordinary of your own. These were some of the best designs, let us know if you feel we missed out any spectacular music logo design that should have made it to the list. Which one is your favorite design listed above? Also, share your work if you created any music logo after getting inspired by these designs.

Also, if you like our effort, share the article with your family and friends.

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