17 Jun Tips On Choosing and Registering A Domain Name
Congratulations, you have finally completed the design and planning process of your website. This is often the meat of the website and is where much of the work has to come in. However, your job doesn’t end there, as you still have to go through the finish line, which is to register your domain name. This website name is like that of your name and your family name, wherein it is unique to yourself.
Because your domain name is very important, you have to go through the process of choosing one carefully, with much thought. Before proceeding, learn more about domains through sitebeginner.com.
That said, here are tips to help you out in this process:
- Focus On More Brand-Related Names Than Generic Ones
Gone are the days when generic domain names were the best way to go. These do not excite visitors, and it only makes it even more difficult for you to stand out against the multitude of other websites that are on the Internet. To be easily identifiable and to be easily remembered, it is better for you to focus on more brand-related names rather than generic ones.
For example:
- Instead of using petinsurance.com or yourpetinsurance.net, you might want to be more specific with your brand, such as PetLivesInsurance.com or YourPetMattersInsurance.com.
- Instead of using babyproducts.com or usababyproducts.com, you can go for your brand name, such as SacredBabyProducts.com or YourBabyMatters.com.
- Choose A Domain Name That Is Easy To Type
You will want to select that domain name that is typed the exact way that it is said. Leave no room for domain names that are composed of words that are difficult to spell, or that may leave multiple spelling options. Shy away, too, from domain names that can be misspelled, or that can have a short spelling slang.
For example:
- ShoppingForYou.com can be misspelled as Shopping4U.com
- USAExpressShopping.com can be misspelled as USAXpressShopping.com
These two examples are difficult to type, as the listener can interpret them differently. Different listeners have different interpretations of words, so it is better for you to choose domain names that also cannot be cut short or easily misspelled.
- Keep Your Domain Name Short And Concise
If you take a good look around a majority of the website names, you will realize one common ground: almost all of them are quite short and concise. Web experts recommend that your domain name should not be more than 12 letters. Anything beyond this number can already be considered as ineffective, as it leads to a harder memory recall for web users. Plus, it can also be tiring for many web users to have to type long website names in comparison with a website offering the same services as you, but has a shorter web name.
- Use Keywords In Your Domain Name
If you already know about Search Engine Optimization techniques, you would know by now that SEO is very important for your website to make it to the top search engine results page. One of the best techniques for you to apply is through the use of keywords, not just on the content itself, but even in the domain name, too.
When you are choosing a domain name, one of the techniques to follow is to have a brand name. This brand name, over a generic one, is to be your first name. Hence, you will have to attach a family name to this brand name, and the perfect family name is that of a keyword. When you have a keyword attached, you are giving internet users a quick, descriptive guide as to what it is your website is all about.
For example:
- If you are in the business of selling ten-wheeler trucks, you might want to have a domain name such as HDTSTrucks.com or HDTStruckingservices.com.
- If you are in the business of selling water purifiers, you might want to have a domain name such as HydroPureWaterServices.com.
In the two examples above, you have a perfect balance between having a brand name and a keyword, to make your domain name as effective as it should.
- Register Your Domain Name With The Appropriate Extension
No domain name is ever complete without an extension. These extensions refer to the suffixes at the end of the address. However, do not think that domain extensions cannot just be used randomly. There is an extension that applies best to the type of business that you have, and you must use it appropriately as well.
For example:
- .me is most commonly used for personal websites
- .co is most frequently used as an abbreviation for a company or community
- .biz is most widely used for business sites
- .net is used for technical and infrastructure sites
- .org is used for non-commercial and non-profit organizations
Choosing a domain name is one that you must do so with care and caution. Think of this as similar to that of a business name, whereby this is your identity and your brand name on the World Wide Web. There are no other domain names like yours, and your domain name is one that speaks of what it is visitors can gain from visiting your website. With these tips to guide you, you are now on the right track to completing your website.
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