23 Apr Developer Tips: 8 Great Ways to Promote Your WordPress Plugin
Plugins are regarded as one of the most crucial tools in running a successful WordPress website. Thus, it provides developers with a great opportunity to develop a user-friendly plugin and earn money through it. However, the process is not as easy as it may sound. When you publish a plugin in the WordPress plugin repository, it may get an initial spike in downloads as it will be showcased in the latest plugins section. But without any promotional efforts, the interest among the users will fade away. Thus, it is better to say that promotion plays a great part in determining the success of your plug-in.
But how will you promote your WordPress plugin efficiently? Well, there are several ways to do that and finding the best one can be troublesome. Thus, we have selected the best eight ways to promote your WordPress plugin to help you out. Have a look:
Table of Contents
1. Create the best plugin which immediately garners everyone’s attention
It has to be the very first thing that you must consider doing. There is nothing more important than the quality, performance and user-friendliness of your plug-in. If the plugin that you have created is extraordinary, then it will automatically garner a lot of attention from the users and the critics. As a result, the plugin that you have created will gain positive ratings as well as reviews from everyone and become a favourite choice for the users without you having to do anything. So, you should focus on developing in such a way that it offers extraordinary features as well as results to the WordPress users.
2. Utilize social media
The power of social media cannot be overlooked in the world today. Nowadays, most of the people are on popular social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. They use it to express their views and their preferences. So, it would be foolish to not utilize the social media to promote your WordPress plugin and influence people to use it. You can easily create a page for your plugin in Facebook or a profile in Twitter to connect with your target audiences. Share contents and posts upholding the features and advantages that your plugin offers in order to gain appeal amongst your target audiences thereby boosting the downloads.
3. Start a discussion about your plugin in various forums
A lot of people ask questions and participate in the discussions in the online forums to share their knowledge or to know about the things that they are not sure about on their own. Well, you can utilize this tendency of the people today to your advantage. You can start appealing discussions on your plugin on the online forums in the WordPress niche. You can explain to them the features of the plugin fully in details and make them understand everything new that your plugin offers. Plus, you will be able to convey them about the benefits that they will gain by using your plug-in. As a result, it will create interest among users and help you to promote your plug-in successfully.
4. Start commenting on related blog posts
There are several blog posts on the internet about WordPress plugins. Articles like “the best WordPress plugins that everybody needs” or “top 10 WordPress plugin” are very common on the internet these days. Well, you can also benefit from these blog posts when it comes to promoting your WordPress plugin. You can add comments in the comment section along with the link to download your plugin. But there is something that you need to understand beforehand. Do not just drop your comments without context as it can be labelled as a spam immediately. The best way to do is to add a specific comment on the post highlighting one of its aspects along with the link to your plugin to avoid being penalized.
5. Request popular bloggers to review your plugin
People today have the tendency to check different reviews for suggestions to decide on the plugins that they need to use for their WordPress websites. Well, you can actually ask popular bloggers in your niche to review your plugin to promote it. Request them, provide them with satisfying remuneration and ensure that you can get a positive review of your WordPress plugin. It will help your plugin to become appealing to the WordPress users.
6. Guest post on different blogs to promote your plugin
Guest posting is considered as one of the most crucial ways to promote anything on the internet. Thus, you can be assured of one thing that guest posting can also help you to promote your WordPress plugin efficiently. You can choose any popular blogging website in your niche that allows you guest posting to share a quality article with few links to your plugin. But you must always put pressure on the quality of the content and do not provide more than three links in the post otherwise it can be regarded as a spam article.
7. Sponsor high-quality content
One of the most subtle, yet most effective ways to promote your plugin, is by sponsoring content (paying for articles/reviews, post inserts and features, infographics, social content, videos, etc, on other people’s related websites and channels). This way of promoting your plugin is actually a highly efficient technique that you can use to naturally influence people to use your WordPress plugin. It works because it’s other people talking about the great qualities of your plugin, instead of just you yourself.
For sponsoring content like this you need to find out websites that provide such services and contact them to sponsor positive articles about your plugin.
85ideas is, of course, one such site that provides you with the opportunity to sponsor the best quality articles and real reviews highlighting the extraordinary features that your WordPress plugin offers. With over 3 million readers, it will help you to make a mark among all the WordPress users as you get access to a huge number of WordPress-loving people (many of which are web developers who are looking for the best WP plugins). With this high number of page views and constantly increasing Google search impressions, 85ideas is reaching more and more customers every day.
Note: to sponsor high-quality content and promote your plugin to millions of readers, visit this page.
8. Advertise your plugin
Last but not the least; you should also consider advertising your plugin to attract WordPress users to use your plugin. You can advertise your plugin directly on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites to garner the attention of your targeted audiences. Furthermore, you can also use Google AdWords to advertise your product in Google directly. Plus, you can also consider using affiliate marketing to provide other websites with banners and links on your plugin in order generate leads and high conversion rates.
Well, if you want success, then follow these steps carefully and get results. Develop an extraordinary plugin, provide regular updates and use any method mentioned above to promote your plug-in to increase downloads and earn money.
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