5 Simple No-Code Ways To Improve Your WordPress Theme - 85ideas.com

5 Simple No-Code Ways To Improve Your WordPress Theme

After creating a blog and choosing the perfect WordPress theme, you may want to customize the way your website looks or feels. Well, there is nothing unnatural about it. However, it can become troublesome to customize your WordPress theme without having a clear understanding of coding techniques. But it is not impossible either. On the contrary, it is quite easy to improve the look and feel of your theme if you know the right techniques.

Not everyone who owns a website is adept at coding and it is also not necessary. Plus, it is not also possible for everyone to hire a professional to get the job done for you at it can ultimately become very costly. As a matter of fact, there is no need to learn to code for managing your WordPress theme. WordPress being the best content management system available in the market provides you with a lot of options that you can use to improve your theme without having to use any codes.

1. Make a good use of the Widgets

If you use WordPress, then you are well acquainted with the wide range of widgets it offers. In your WordPress admin area, you will easily find the widgets section. The best thing about widgets in WordPress is that it allows you to add widgets in the desired place by utilizing the drag and drop method. It is easy to find all the Widgets necessary too in the said section. You can easily drag and drop the widgets you need to the required places to add a new look to your theme. Furthermore, your WordPress theme also allows you to create a custom sidebar, footer and header which in return provide you with a great opportunity to customize your theme and make your website more engaging for your audience.

2. Change the size and style of your fonts

The size, as well as the style of your theme, actually plays a crucial role in giving your site the desired look. So, if you think that the current font in your website looks boring, then you can easily change it and set the desired font to make your theme more enticing. Moreover, it is not at all troublesome to do it and you will not have to know any coding either.

But how will you do it? With some themes, they have font options built in and all you need to do is to click on the ‘customize’ option from the WordPress dashboard under the Themes section. You will be redirected to a new window with your homepage and an array of customization options on the left side. There you will find the option ‘General Settings’. All you need to do is to click on the general settings and you will be able to find the font settings. From there, you will be able to choose the perfect font style and size to enhance the look of your WordPress theme.

If your theme doesn’t natively have these options, no problem! Download a Google Fonts plugin and you’ll be able to take control of the size and type of all your fonts easily.

3. Change the way your posts are displayed

WordPress is an intelligent CMS platform that lets you change the appearance of your theme completely at any time without much ado. Yes, the WordPress themes generally come with pre-built templates that let you change the way your posts are displayed completely without having to write any custom code. You will be able to change the way your posts are displayed on the homepage as well as the single pages efficiently.

All you need to do is to select the perfect style for the posts to be displayed from the ‘General Settings’ in the ‘Customization Options’. From magazine style to list style to several mixed styles, your WordPress theme offers you several options to change the appearance of post alignment. Choose the one that excites you most and you will be able to give your website the desired look.

4. Make Good Use of the WordPress plugins

If the inbuilt customization options are not enough to satiate you, then you will be able to find a plethora of amazing plugins in the WordPress plugin store. Whether you want to personalise your header, add pop-ups, insert a ‘social media’ tab on your sidebar or simply utilize the pre-built template pages, the WordPress plugins allow you to do everything you want without any hassle. There are several free and paid plugins available. So, choose the one that suits your creative vision and improves the look of your WordPress theme.

5. Add sliders and popular posts to make your site engaging

Adding a customized slider or a sliding popular posts tab on your website immediately catches the eye of your audience. Also, they are very simple to add too. WordPress comes with a plethora of inbuilt sliders that you can use on your website. Plus, you will find various styles for featuring a popular posts tab too on the customise option. There are several plug-INS like Penci Slider and nRelate Related Content plug-in to help you succeed in your goal.

There are several other non-coding techniques to help you improve the look and feel of your theme with ease. But the ones listed above are some of the most important ones. Thus, utilize the techniques listed above and give your website the look you and your readers will love.

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at 85ideas is a team of WordPress experts led by Brian Harris. Here to share amazing tuts, guides and collections.

  • Ibad
    Posted at 10:18h, 31 March Reply

    Simple and well explained. Nice article.

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