24+ Cool Website Designs For Inspiration

24+Cool Website Designs For Inspiration

Cool Website Designs are emerging. And, yes the changes are more obvious. Internet crawlers like us can identify the cool website designs at a glance. Gone are the days, when a simple design with simple quirks can call a lot of accolades from the audience.

Essentially, if you check around the web, you will come across some amazing cool website designs. These websites push possible limits on the internet. Whether it’s the value, sound design, interactivity, usability, or design aesthetic that the website provides with each of them being a masterpiece and something that provides some inspiration.

It should not surprise you that there are many organizations to highlight the websites and the contributions they make to the internet. To help showcase some of the most inspiring web designs, we have listed 24 cool website designs that have won several awards.

The web is full of some inspiring and amazing websites.

These special snowflakes are the ones that find amazing ways to use every possible technology boundary and design to their advantage to build experiences that many brands wish they had.

Finding these incredible diamonds in the rough may be a fascinating challenge, particularly in case you are planning to redesign your website and are not quite sure where you need to start.

Luckily, websites such as Webby Awards, Awwwards, CSS Awards, and many others are here to help the websites that can motivate us to work harder.

Choose Cool Website Designs

To help display these award-winning website designs, we have done the homework so that you can find it easier to get the website design that you have been searching for. These website designs are not just beautiful, but they have been perfectly handcrafted following top-notch strategies, video marketing, conversion rate optimization, information architecture. UI and UX to its fullest potential.

When looking at different websites, it’s always important to understand that these cannot be seen as templates that you can try copying. Rather, you should analyze them and find the aspects of these designs that use content/marketing/design strategies that can be revised and repurposed into something that will appeal to your audience.

All this is possible because of the new technologies that have evolved in the past few years. Old technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript have seen a lot of evolutionary changes. The inception of better technologies such as HTML 5, CSS3 and tons of JavaScript libraries that do special things can make the deal a real one, both for developers and real internet users.

To make the long story short, today I will list some of the cool websites designs that are handpicked according to something special in them. Another reason, why the design era really took a shift forward is the how we now see and manage the user experience.

Creating something stunning and both user-friendly is a unique skill to have. Let’s dive deep into the list of cool web site designs that will make you awe stuck for a while. These designs are handpicked and will surely make you wonder the advancement in technology and designers capability to create such appealing and visually stunning websites.

Without further ado here is my finding of the most inspiring websites on the web today.


A stunning simplistic grid layout website that offers great visibility to content. ReadWrite is one of the most popular tech website, and the website design helps it to attract visitors.

Cool Website Designs



Cool Websites Designs

An excellent website for showcasing the modern web designing techniques. A large Image background is drawn with the one-page theme in the front.


Deepend Digital Agency

Another fantastic design website that showcases slider plus no-scroll philosophy into the website. Yes, You do not need to scroll anything. There is a big slider on the front page that shows the important information to the visitors.


BAKE Agency

Bake has a fresh website design Like the Deepend.com.au; you don’t have to scroll down to see more content. But, if you do use the scroll down the mouse button, then you see a beautiful up-left-down animation to showcases new content on the fixed windows. The background is also attractive.


Cross Cross Coffee Cup design

An amazing website that uses advanced JavaScript technique to render cute coffee cup. Moreover, you can create amazing coffee cups for your friends. A great website for everyone to see. And if you are feeling curious then you can also fiddle with the code. The website is build using symphony and other related technologies.


bienvenue sur OCS

A simple design that showcases the attention to details in an elegant manner.


Cool Websites Designs

Weareint.io is a remarkably well thought out website from the smooth scrolling to the pop out menu. The highlights of their website for me is the video header section and right-hand navigation area.


Mustasj design

The video intro on this site is like nothing I have seen thus far But what caught my attention was the smooth scrolling and the tilled horizontal lines separating the section of the site. You have to check this one out to see exactly what I mean.


Church Template design

I have included this template because it’s well layout easy to navigate. The design itself is pretty straightforward, but it works well from the slider height to the nicely placed call to action.


Emptypaper Webdesign


Spokes inspration


Accueil design


Anna Safroncik design award


Cool Website Designs




Browser Awareness Day design


Namale Design


Finn Lough Design


Visual Soldiers Design




Giorgio Armani WebDesign


Anakin Design Studio


Natural Food Design


We are Vangarde Design


Looking To Redesign Your Website

Your website design should reflect your business online visibility and should be used to represent your brand online. For example, if your site does not uphold the design which matches the way you want your website seen, then it is highly likely that it will eventually fail. 85ideas web designers love working together with you in designing your website to ensure it looks exactly what customers would love to see with our cool website designs.

This is the best time for your site to get the facelift and revision it deserves so that it can perfectly represent your brand and eventually increase your website’s performance. Contact us so that we can discuss what needs to be done to meet your aspirations and goal.

Wrapping up

So there, you have it some of the coolest and most creative websites on the web. I hope you were able to draw some inspiration from some of these websites to create something unique of your own. All these websites got mentioned here because they left a lasting impression in a good. As with all things on this earth there as to be an opposite site to the story so if miss our last article on some of the worst Webdesign click here to go back and check it out. Let me know which was your favourite? Or if you feel we have miss a spectacular site that should be mentioned here please leave a comment below. And as always if you found any value in this round up please consider sharing it with your network.

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at 85ideas is a team of WordPress experts led by Brian Harris. Here to share amazing tuts, guides and collections.

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    Posted at 12:27h, 14 June Reply

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  • Naiem
    Posted at 01:07h, 16 February Reply

    Inspiring Post.

  • Anan
    Posted at 01:46h, 07 July Reply

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