hostinger wordpress hosting

Review: The Pros & Cons of Hostinger WordPress Hosting

Hostinger is counted amongst the world’s most affordable website hosting platforms. The company started its journey in 2004 under the name ‘Hosting Media’ as a small organization, yet today they offer hosting solutions in 178 countries. According to their website, their customer base has grown to almost 29 million users.

The aim of this post is to make you familiar with the pros and cons of choosing Hostinger. There are a lot of good things people keep saying about this provider, so we thought we should find out more about the company.

Let’s take a look at their pros first…

Table of Contents

Hostinger Pros

Reliable Server Response and Speed

The company has servers in the multiple geographical locations across the United States, Asia and Europe (United Kingdom). All their servers are having SSD disks installed (as the company says) that ensure 1000 Mbps connection. So, with Hostinger, you should not deal with issues like poor connection, slow website loading etc.

Lots of Services Under One Roof

Hostinger offers a solid lineup of hosting solutions. From shared hosting to business hosting to VPS hosting to domain registration to SSL certificates, you can get everything under the same roof.

Shared Web Hosting is designed for users who want to launch their website immediately with decent hosting resources without breaking the bank.

Business hosting offers the power of cloud computing along with the simplicity of shared hosting. And if we talk about their VPS hosting, it promises to offer the highest virtual server reliability & performance.

Hostinger’s registration at ICANN should be a good news for people who want to invest in a trusted domain registration service. At Hostinger, you can buy a domain name with ‘.com’ extension at as low as $8.99 for a year.

Great Uptime

It is imperative that your website is available to your users as it ensures good conversion rate and ultimately good revenue. How long your visitors can see your website depends on the uptime of your hosting server.

Hostinger seems good in terms of uptime. They promise to offer 99.9% uptime. Though with any web host you will encounter occasional downtime (for server maintenance or upgrade) yet it shouldn’t be more than a few hours. Since uptime can be a make-or-break factor you should not compromise on uptime for sure.

Here is what our recent testing says about the Hostinger Uptime….

Note: Uptime results may vary as per the location of your server. We would advise you to measure it yourself using different tools. We had used Pingdom.

Usually, Uptime, Pingdom, etc. are considered good tools to measure uptime.


Pricing is a major concern for most website owners, especially for newbies and Startup entrepreneurs. Since Hostinger is known for cheap hosting solutions we couldn’t leave this point without analyzing.

Their Single Web Hosting plan starts at $2.15/mo  that includes 10 GB disk space, 1 email account, 100 GB Bandwidth, an easy website builder and a powerful control panel.

It looks the provider is giving you adequate resource at a very affordable price. This plan can be a good choice for anyone who wants to live his website immediately without investing a huge amount in hosting.

Their business hosting does not break the bank as well. You get features like free SSL certificate, 24/7 live support, cache manager and entirely isolated resources at the cost of $15.90 for a month.

With VPS hosting that costs $4.99 for a month, you get dedicated IP, full root access, and 100 MB/s Network.

Note: All their prices are very attractive, but in return, you will have to commit to a forty-eight-month subscription to take advantage of the advertised price.

Ease of Use

For first time users, using a web hosting can be quite daunting. Messy user-interface may leave novices in a situation where it is extremely difficult for them to work with a hosting provider. It looks Hostinger understands the importance of offering user-friendly hosting environment.

Talking about their account management panel, a user will find every option well-segregated. It is responsive and visually appealing. Tools like website builder and one-click script installer are also good examples of their user-friendliness. Both tools are designed to offer easy website building experience. Where script installer gives you the liberty to install popular scripts with a single click with website builder you can create a good-looking website within few minutes by simply drag-and-drop.

Customer Support

When running a website, technical issues may arrive any time without knocking on your door. Therefore, you must have an access to the quick support team. For newbies, there is nothing more horrible and frustrating than an absence of a good customer support. Luckily, Hostinger offers adequate mediums to approach their support team that offers 24 hours support all 7 days of the week.

As mentioned on Hostinger’s website, you can communicate with them through channels: Live Chat and Ticket support

The Live chat support is an instant service where you get quick answers to your queries while Ticket Support may take some time.

Users who don’t want to interact with support team may find answers to their queries on their Knowledge Base, Tutorials, and Blog. These resources have plenty of articles on website hosting, website building and many issues that you may encounter while running your site.

30 Day-Money Back Guarantee

When it comes to choosing a web host who doesn’t want to be sure before making the final decision? Hostinger offers a 30-day money back guarantee no matter which hosting service you have chosen. It means you can try out their services gracefully without any fear. This feature is really impressing many of their users.

Security and Privacy

As website threats such as DDoS attacks, data breaches, Ransomware are becoming common day by day, it looks the responsibility of hosting providers have increased to offer their users a safe and secure hosting environment.

Hostinger seems good in terms of security. Their anti-theft security protects your website from undesired logging. Moreover, Bitninja tool is a part of their every plan. For those who don’t know, it is a real-time protection suit that helps in preventing script injection, DDoS, Malware, etc.

In addition to this, SSL certificate comes included on all their business hosting plans that keep sensitive information such as personal details, credit/debit card information protected.

Hostinger Cons

Like every hosting provider, Hostinger has its downsides too…

Attractive Pricing Comes with Conditions

In comparison to many leading hosting providers, their plans are cheaper but it is also true that to get attractive pricing offer you will have to commit to 48 months from the beginning.

Simple Control Panel is Not a Standard UI

They have customized their control panel to make it easy for newbies but many seasoned website owners are complaining about it as they are preferring for familiarity over simplicity.

No Phone Support

Their live support and email support are capable enough to help you out, but Hostinger may come as a disappointment for those who are looking for phone support.

Here were a few pros and cons of Hostinger that we came across after taking a closer look at their services and features. In the end, it is you who have to make a decision. So choose wisely!

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at 85ideas is a team of WordPress experts led by Brian Harris. Here to share amazing tuts, guides and collections.

  • hopebariatric
    Posted at 03:33h, 24 August Reply

    Hostinger is the best host..
    it also provide free hosting

  • Cody Ladner
    Posted at 09:32h, 25 April Reply

    awesome review! I agree with you it’s sad that they do not have any phone support but lucky me their live support never let me down. Absolutely satisfied with their services quality, as well got used to their custom panel, and you are right about the pricing, had to pay for 48 months subscriptions to get the best deal. It was still 100 for the whole period. so really good deal.

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