20 Jan 9 Free Minimalist WordPress Themes You Just Can’t Ignore
During the hunt for classic WordPress theme I recommend you to look out for the best free Minimalist WordPress themes I’m adding in this article today. I can bet right away that you’ll find it tough to ignore any of these themes as they are extremely simple in looks and faster in operation. Whether you’re developing a blog or a business website or a website for any other cause, having a theme which is faster yet elegant is the one everyone should consider in every case. In order to help you out I’ve considered writing this help guide which consist of the list of all best Minimalist WordPress themes available out on the web along with their details.
Table of Contents
The Best Free Minimalist WordPress Themes
Steve Jobs and his Apple team always praised the simplicity factor while designing any product in their labs and this is a key reason behind their success. Taking a hint from Apple’s philosophy, we all should try to keep our website’s look simple maintaining elegance while keeping its loading time faster.
Also read:
- 6 Amazing Medium Styled WordPress Themes
- 12 Free Personal Blogger Themes For WordPress
- 6 Free WordPress Themes For Writers
Another reason why you’ll love your decision of choosing a Minimalist WordPress theme is that most of the users are using mobile devices to surf internet and these themes help the website to load faster even on devices with relatively small screen resolutions. If you can find one feature which isn’t that good in these themes then I’d love to know.
SimplePress Simple by Elegant Themes
Elegant Themes is one of my favorite theme developers for WordPress and SimplePress is a premium product in their catalog that simply fits our requirements. It got clean and professional look along with the minimum presence of code which affects load time.
Responsive design is another feature and it’s the theme which you should consider for next business website you’ll develop. It got uniquely designed slider for homepage and even supports Shortcodes for an addition of extra functionalities. It comes with premium ePanel theme options panel offering a simple control tool.
Readly by Wpshower
Readly is a free product coming your way which fits every requirement to be listed among minimalist theme, it’s developed by WP Shower team. It features responsive design, fluid layout, clean typography, lots of customization options and different post format supports. It’s one of the best free theme available for the blogging niche that loads almost instantly even on mobile devices.
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TinyPress by CASLAY
The code for TinyPress was written in order to make sure maximum readability is achieved while it’s used to create a website for any niche. It loads up quickly (no wonders as it’s a minimalist theme) and supports Shortcodes and 11 different design styles which make it a perfect theme to be either used for business website or blog. The code had been verified by W3 Validator which increases its credibility and also its search engine friendly. On top of all these features, its available for free.
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Another detailed, minimalist and completely responsive free WordPress theme is coming your way and it’s even available on WordPress.org. The theme uses complete width available on the screen and focuses on offering quality featured image and typography options. It helps in distraction-free reading which is one of the features responsible for increasing user experience any day.
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Schema by MyThemeShop
HTML5 and CSS3 ready, fully responsive, inbuilt rating systems, SEO ready, quality typography are highlighting features of this theme by MyThemeShop and it’s a premium product. It is available in two versions out of which one is minimalist and this feature can be activated using Optional Panel offered by the developers in the package. It’s one of the premium theme out there in this category for the blogging niche.
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It’s developed by Automattic so there is no doubt of questioning its credibility. Theme completely focuses on visualizing content (text, pictures and videos) in best possible way. It offers large featured image and video options including typography which ensures comfortable reading on any either computing or mobile devices out there. It’s available for free.
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Developed and maintained by Ghost blogging platform, this theme is simple enough to impress maximum users over the web. It features single column and there are no distractions around the text at all. The whole idea developing this theme is to remove every piece of code or feature which hurts user experience (especially of those who visit only for reading not for graphics).
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Minimalist by MyThemeShop
A clean, simple looking yet fully featured and responsive are the features of this product from MyThemeShop. It’s a premium product which comes out with dedicated support, lifetime free updates, and unlimited domain usage. MyThemeShop Options Panel is also included and it offers special options that can be used to highlight only the content on any page to ensure higher readability.
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Supro – Minimalist AJAX WooCommerce WordPress Theme
If you like to have design comprising of three or more columns on a single page then Supro – Minimalist AJAX WooCommerce WordPress Theme is the one you’ll be interested in. Yes, it fits in the requirements to be listed among minimalist themes as its primary focus always remain on the text published on the website. Also, its overall design is unique than any other theme I’ve added above which further helps it to stand out of the crowd.
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As the name suggests, it can respond to touch instantly and faster than any theme mentioned above and even supports sliding. It offers two modes, gallery with list menu and masonry gallery. Its home page mostly focuses primarily on large images and it also supports most of the common mobile devices. If you have a touch screen display then you shouldn’t ignore checking out its demo.
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White Paper by JustPX
Designed for people interested in personal blogging who wish to have clutter free design for their website which simply ensures that readers are finding no trouble reading content being offered to them. Especially if you’re having an expert hand on DSLR then this theme will allow you to publish very large size of images (covering complete width offered).
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Wrap up
I hope you’ve checked most of the themes I’ve arranged above and also found them worthy. I can understand your dilemma of selecting one or two themes out of the collection above but you need to come out with a decision. With any of these best Minimalist WordPress themes your website will look great, run faster which clearly means that it’s serving better user experience and that’s all we should care about.
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